Ville&Casali interviews the CEO of Great Estate: Italians are coming back to the countryside

Magazine Great Estate

On its May issue, Ville&Casali interviewed Stefano Petri, the GE CEO, in order to analyze a recent tendency determined by the consequences of Coronavirus on the habits and lifestyle of every single Italian: we are returning to the countryside.

The interesting reportage done by Ville&Casali opens right with the same incipit of the 28th chapter of The Betrothed which talks about the plague that afflicted Milan in 1630. Published in May, it is addressed to an actual trend that, as a consequence of the Coronavirus situation, highlights the desire of many Italians: coming to the countryside of our Bel Paese back.

While reading the article, it is possible to discover how this trend was powerfully emerged at the beginning of the ‘90s until 2008 – the year of the international financial crisis. It has now come back, in these months during which our lives and habits have been completely modified by the emergency caused by Coronavirus.

In order to analyze this Italian tendency, Ville&Casali addressed some questions to the founder and CEO of the Great Estate Network, Stefano Petri.

Before this “tsunami”, more and more people desired to live in our charming countryside already. After what happened, this trend is surely designed to increase.

According our CEO, this is not just a hypothesis. Indeed, it is something based on concrete data.

We were “flooded” by positive messages of our clients – both national and international. They confirmed to us how this situation has improved their will to move to the countryside and, once everything will be solved, they will put into practice this desire.

A new asset that is confirmed by other national and international professionals of the field too.

Regarding this, Alessandro Luongo – the author of the article – asked Stefano if, as for the country estates, the farm businesses purchasing is still a good investment and, if so, if it would be still possible to find the right staff to manage them. A very interesting market, as confirmed by our CEO.

In this case, too, we’ve noticed a great rapprochement of young people during the last 5-10 years. They opened their small businesses as the support of these new owners, instead of working in the industry, offering such services like gardening, cleaning, maintenance works, etc.

So, the countryside is confirming itself as the dream of the Italians that, after this lockdown experience, are willing to come back to fully enjoy nature while remaining safe.

A country estate is becoming the ideal symbol of two different exigences: the opening toward the world and, at the same time, a healthy environment to be lived in the family.

Once this emergency will be ended, we can be almost sure about an increase in the demand for this property typology: a solid real estate investment that goes with the need of finding your “buen retiro” in that magical and private place where to safely enjoy of nature.

Click here if you want to read the original article.

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