Looking for a property in Italy after the lockdown: Great Estate digital empowerment

Magazine Great Estate

Like other real estate agencies, Great Estate has taken advantage of the lockdown imposed by Coronavirus for the digital empowerment of its activities and the optimization of its resources, in view of the future change in the way we search for a prestigious property in Italy.

A recent study carried out by Gate-Away.com demonstrates as, during Coronavirus emergency period, more than 86% of real estate agencies did not stop its activity. Instead, every agency committed itself to modify the way of keep going on with the activity, as well as the contents.

These agencies worked in the so-called “smart working” mode. Moreover, they invested their time to prepare in the best way possible for a new and powerful restart, once it would be possible to go back to the normality.

The 76,42% of the agencies, in particular, dedicated itself to increase the number of its listings, the 66,98% to its online training. All this, always continuing to offer its customers the best possible advice, responding to the various requests received during this quarantine period (as done by 81.13% of the agencies).


The team led by Stefano Petri, in particular, focused on the digital empowerment of its activities and resources.

Great Estate has been using highly technological and cutting-edge tools to provide its services and advice for some time now. Thinking of the internal real estate evaluation software The Best Price or the brand new online statistics service, which allows each vendor to check daily the progress and results of the positioning of his property on the market (read our article here).

In addition, Great Estate, which has always been characterized by the high quality of the presentation of the properties it manages, indispensable for the purposes of sale, has long been committed to the creation of external videos with drones, internal videos, and virtual tours. The latter in particular allows any customer who is anywhere in the world to visit a property as if it were present on the spot.

During this period, Great Estate also dedicated itself to strengthening these systems, increasing the number of videos and virtual tours for its properties. In this way, it has offered these exceptional opportunities to an increasing number of clients. Not yet able to physically go to the homes, due to the current impossibility of moving from one region to another (for Italian customers), as well as from abroad in Italy (for international customers), the clients will be able to have a much more precise and clear idea of how they are really the same.

This digital empowerment of skills and tools has not only demonstrated its fundamental utility but will also mark the step for the future, determining an important change of the way clients will look for a property for sale in Italy.

It is for this reason that Great Estate consultants make the most of these important tools in the constant management of our international clients, although at a distance, in order to continue to follow them in the search for their property in Italy.

And … the results are not slow to come! If you missed them, we invite you to read the articles, in which the protagonists of an extraordinary sale told how a German couple decided to buy a property after seeing it for the first time through a simple video call!

In addition to this important objective, in May we were able to restart some of our activities: visits to the properties for sale, photo shooting, virtual tours, and technical inspections. These allow us to offer our clients more information and materials relating to the properties, as well as to add new real estate proposals on the market.

The study carried out by Gate-Away.com ends by stressing that the Coronavirus emergency has in no way stopped the requests to buy property in Italy, many of which also come from the Italians themselves (in this regard, read our article on the investigation conducted by the magazine “Ville & Casali”).

In short, the search for the home of dreams in Italy remains a constant prerogative, both nationally and internationally.

Trust Great Estate: our professionals will surely find your ideal property!


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