Nicolò Cordone: my first Property Finder!

Recently, one of the youngest real estate consultants of Great Estate has reached a very important goal from both a professional and personal point of view: the signing of a Property Finder (or My Agent) contract with some international buyers that he manages.

  • Welcome, Nicolò. Would you like to remember us when you started cooperating with Great Estate? What do you deal with?

I have been cooperating with Great Estate since 2018 and I am very glad to work with such a professional and funny Team. I meanly deal with the managing of international buyers. I closed some sales, but I do not want to “freeze” me on these results only: indeed, my will is to constantly improve and – precisely in this way – the incessant improving of the Group motivates me too through its incredible potentialities.

  • We know that you have recently achieved an important personal objective: the signing of a Property Finder contract with a couple of international buyers who chose our Group for their purchase of a home in Italy.

Exactly! A couple of buyers that I met after their request on a farmhouse. They decided to entrust themselves to me exclusively for the research and purchase of a property. Indeed, during some videocalls, we decided for a Property Finder contract.

I was able to explain to them that, through this kind of contract, they would have not wasted their time in too many researches and contact with different agencies. This is not my very first Property Finder, but this is the first one for which a part of the fee has been already paid, as well as this is also the first one where I could immediately recognize a professional relationship.

Surely, this is a very important contract for all those people who are willing to purchase a property: I suggest it to all the buyers of Great Estate.

I firmly believe that for us – the consultants who manage the buyers –, it represents THE tool, the one that allows us to work in the best performing way possible. In other words, this is a win-win: the best working strategy for all.

  • When and how have you met the clients?

The head office forwarded me their request and, as usual, I have replied: I truly met the clients during our first video-call. Being able to see and talk to each other instead of just writing helped the creation of a bond between us. We physically met only at the end of the online research, through an intense email and WhatsApp text correspondence. We have analysed more than 50 properties recapped in an excel file and we have arranged an itinerary to see 14 really interesting properties.

The research we did make it possible for us to get to know each other, but only in a limited way. The meeting in person and the days spent visiting properties together, instead, allowed us to better understand each other.

As a matter of fact, today I can say I’m sure I share with the buyers the passion for cooking, for the Grechetto wine and the love for the same kind of pizza: it might mean nothing, but it made us closer.

  • Where do the clients come from? What do they do for a living?

They come from Singapore, but they both have Dutch roots. In the past, Pim lived in Italy and has traveled a lot because of his work in the nautical sector. Hester has been working in the real estate field in Singapore for over 20 years. So, they both know and lived in Asia.

  • Would you like to tell us how they got to sign the property finder contract?

The mutual need to sign a property finder contract came from an offer I made.

I believe that detailed research takes a lot of time for the buyers who truly want to buy something. The agent can do this task by saving them a lot of time. Moreover, the agents have already had the chance to visit many properties and have both a market and territory knowledge that allow them to also save a lot of money, usually spent to repeat part of the same experiences. And if the agents work with competent co-workers in a famous agency and in a highly specialized agency network – and therefore truly expert – then they can rely on a series of tools that the clients clearly cannot have on their own. By signing a property finder contract, the buyer…

“stands on the shoulders of giants” (Cit.)

I think that this kind of contract seals reciprocity of intents: the consultants commit to work with the utmost professionalism for the buyers, and the buyers guarantee that they will buy a property with them, making sure that their hard work won’t be vain.

As I said earlier, it is a strategy in which both sides win and write down the goals’ programs they want to pursuit. Exactly for these reasons, we decided to begin!

Hester, Pim, and I immediately shared “what” to look for, even if we still have not found a restricted “where” in Umbria. I admit that it has not been easy for me to run this search all over the region but I did not give up. I must confess that Hester and Pim have been very precise in sending me positive or negative feedback on the first selection of properties. The choice related to which ones were those entering the “shortlist” has been entirely on them.

In effect, the estates among which we had to create the itinerary were included between 10 and 15 at least for the first round and some, really beautiful, were rejected.

During the first phase of the research, my co-workers have been precious, the billable hours are a lot and the skills are proved: this is the reason why I think it is correct that the buyers transfer a down payment to cover the expenses in the rarest case (since statistically speaking, the 80% of the clients who sign a property finder contract buy then a property) they decide not to buy anything or to suddenly disappear.

As a real estate agent, I used to think that trust has to be given and then demonstrated in a mutual way.

Sending an email to all my co-workers for this property finder contract signing has surely been exciting. Moreover, receiving their answers with the suggestions of properties has been really stimulating and preparatory for the research as well.

  • As our readers now already, our group’s online magazine wants to introduce you to the “Great Estate World”: in fact, you can read news, lifestyle, real estate news, and also feedbacks from our agent and from our client. on this behalf, I would like to ask you if, in your daily activities with the clients, you usually use our magazine articles – especially the ones that concern you more closely – to introduce yourself as professional and your successes.

Of course, I do. Every article and interview that I write for our magazine is absolutely honest and sincere. Therefore, I believe that using them to introduce myself to people who do not know me already is beautiful communication. I usually suggest the sales articles for a reading, because those are the true feedback of clients who have negotiated and purchased a property here: they are the outcome of a constant and professional work that never ends to surprise you, especially when read later in time. I use them to explain, through other clients’ words, what I am capable of, and my professionalism.

In addition, through the articles, I can tell that I am present through the whole process until needed. The magazine’s articles are important to let the people know that I am an honest person and that the agency I work with is extremely professional. I firmly believe in clients’ feedbacks, articles and interviews like this one, because they lead to successes of several important businesses, in the tourism field, or restaurants, and I think they are quite useful in our field too. Every client will then decide the value they want to give them.

  • In your opinion, the articles you are talking about (concerning Nicolò Cordone and his sales), have they helped in accomplishing the goal of “signing a property finder contract”?

This is probably a question to ask my clients! Anyway, I am confident that if the question would be directed to them they would answer in a precise and positive way. As far as I am concerned, I invited Hester and Pim to read a few articles on me and other pages of Great Estate’s magazine that, I reiterate, is an excellent informative and communicative tool.

  • As of now, where are you with the research? How many properties have you seen?

We’ve seen 14 properties starting from an initial selection of 50. I think we are at a good point and… probably, we could have found a house that, with a few works, might become the ideal one for my clients.

  • Nicolò, how would you like to end this interview?

As a real estate consultant, I visit many properties and try to know them in all their details, and I work with an extraordinary group. I also invite buyers to describe the property they are looking for and to determine the best search criterion together with me.

Trust is, therefore, the final ingredient and, in order to demonstrate it, together with seriousness and solidity, it is necessary to give proof of that with a down payment and the signature of the property finder contract: with this contract, if your determined and honest, you can only win! Through this contract, you save time and money thanks to the agent you will have entrusted yourself to for the research of the right property… the one that soon will become….your  Home!

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