“Il Felceto” sale in Cetona: the ex-owner’s opinion, Mr. Riccardi

Magazine Great Estate

Last January, thanks to the cooperation with the GE Group, Mr. Milvio Riccardi closed the sale of “Il Felceto” (read here our article about the sale), located near Cetona. His experience with our group.

Welcome Mr. Riccardi. Can you tell us something about yourself? What is your job?

Good morning. I come from Rome, but I moved in Tuscany in 1992. For years, I have been working for a London energy company specialized in natural gases and petrol. Then, I joined an Italian company dealing with the planning and realization of railway, metro and general transports nets. Despite my numerous travels, Tuscany and Umbria had always remain in my heart since the very first moment I discovered them.

We know that before “Il Felceto” farmhouse, you owned the “Vetrichina” one. How did you discover the areas of San Casciano Dei Bagni and Cetona?

I arrived in Tuscany in 1992. Before that date, I owned another farmhouse in Orvieto. I still remember that cold day of March, when I reached this small town and I immediately fell in love with that pink farmhouse immersed in the nature of this amazing area: “Vetrichina” farmhouse, in San Casciano Dei Bagno. I also remember my daughter saying me: “Dad, this is a small town producing a great ice-cream!”. With the time passing, being it a large and demanding building, I decided to sell. In 2011, I purchased “Il Felceto” (discover it here). I renovated the property and then I transformed it into a touristic accommodation. Once back in Rome, having I the will of focusing myself on my family businesses, I decided to sell “Il Felceto” too. However, time was rapidly flowing, but no goals have been reached yet. So, I followed Stefano Petri’s suggestion (read here his article): in order to avoid my property depreciation and to give it the value it deserves, I suspended the farmhouse sale by taking it out of the market. After that, I gave an exclusive assignment for sale to Great Estate.

From the right hand: Mr. Riccardi, Chiara Pompili, the Notary Zorzi and Roberto Biggera.

You have just mentioned Stefano Petri, when did you meet him?

Personally, I met Stefano Petri before the creation of Great Estate. One of my English friends has to renovate his farmhouse and, through the company which were dealing with this work, I had the pleasure to meet this young boy: resourceful, optimistic and determined to put in place great projects, aware of the IT potentialities and added value into the real estate sector too.

I can affirm to have assisted to Great Estate starting and development, as well as to Stefano Petri’s growth: always focused to keeping himself up to the times and even to try to anticipate them. I realized also the quality of the national and international communication offered by GE, which is currently at almost the same level of the Real Estate international colossuses one. Great Estate development and its ability on the clients managing allowed this group’s incrementation. 

Let’s talk now about the sale of “Il Felceto”. When did you meet the buyer for the first time?

I met the buyer after having received the official purchasing proposal. Indeed, I had never been present during the visits. Having the client been abroad and having we not found any problem during the negotiation, we had done the whole via mail. We still are on great terms.

What do you think about the GE services?

The services offered by the Group (click here to discover more about them) are very efficient, as well as rare to be found in other local agencies. Indeed, in order to daily improve its agency, Stefano always tries to be a step ahead. Among the others, one of the things which caught my attention the most was the strategy or removing my property from the market by entering it back later, as if it was a new real estate proposal. When Stefano suggested it to me, even if I had immediately understood the rationality of his advice, I have to confess that I was really, really sceptic about it. However, today I have to admit also that it was the choice which allowed me to sell my home, so I thank GE to have convinced me about that.

Maybe, the only aspect toward which I may have something to say about is Stefano’s responding time: GE businesses are many and that is clear, to talk with him a great patient is needed!  

What can you tell us about your experience with Chiara Pompili? Are you satisfied with her consultancy?

Chiara Pompili? Very good: she is a young, professional, determined woman able to identify the right way to convince both the parties. Moreover, both Chiara and Roberto Biggera, the GE consultant who managed the buyers, are great professionals. Their clarity during the negotiation was perfect, and this fact can only be positive.

For this reason, I want to congratulate Stefano: he created a very efficient “staff. The working methodology and professionalism of this agency are able to make it reach the best results possible.

A special word of thank goes to Mr. Riccardi.

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