In April, Great Estate signs the sale of an important wine estate in Tuscany

In April, Great Estate signs the sale of an important wine estate in Tuscany

Sold Jun 19, 2020 No Comments
Last April, Great Estate signed the extraordinary sale of a property of more than a million euros: the one of the wine-producing farm named “I Mandorli”. The GE real estate consultant Roberto Biggera, the person who dealt with the buyers, is going to tell us about his impressions.

Last April, the Group led by Stefano Petri signed the sale of a prestigious organic wine estate located near the famous Tuscan hamlet of Montepulciano.

The farm named “I Mandorli” includes more than 8 ha of vineyard and about 240 olive trees.

Indeed, in addition to the excellent wine, “I Mandorli” produces also a great olive-oil.

The producing vineyards are divided into Nobile di Montepulciano, Rosso di Montepulciano and Vinsanto.

Inside this charming property, there is also a farmhouse dating back to the early ‘90s. The building is in a good state, while its finishing as cotto tiles and wooden beams remind the ancient tradition of the Tuscan farmhouses.

As already said, last April this property has been purchased by an international couple managed by the GE consultant Roberto Biggera.

Roberto told us some detail about this incredible sale of more than a million euros.

  • Welcome, Roberto. What can you tell us about the new owners of “I Mandorli”?

The clients who purchased the property contacted us in 2018 through the international real estate portal Green-Acres. They are an international couple: Canadian/Swiss citizens, but both originally from India.

This couple has recently moved into Montepulciano to start a new challenge of their life: producing high-quality wine in Tuscany in one of its most remarkable and important areas, the one of Nobile.

Precisely for this reason, they were looking for an already-well-working farm in the area of Montepulciano. It should have been producing high-quality wine but, in the meantime, it should have also given them the possibility of expanding the business.

Clients immediately focused themselves on “I Mandorli”, a property they found on internet. We only visited this home: so, we can affirm that the research has been really rapid!

  • Which were the property features that amazed them the most?

Clients were impressed by the size of the farm, quality of its vineyards and wine produced, potentiality of the winery and annexes, as well as by the home located on the first floor of the farmhouse, very important to them.

  • How will they use their new property?

They will keep running the winery estate and producing high-quality wine, as it was till today, by improving and personalizing everything necessary both in the winery and home:

The whole to give a personal touch and a new life to the farm.

  • Roberto, would you like to tell us some details about the negotiation?

Sure! As already said, the research phase was very rapid, but not the negotiation. It was really long and difficult!

This was because the aspects to analyze and verify in case of this kind of negotiation are really many: just to make you some examples, they go from the real estate aspects to the wine and farming ones, from the ones regarding the tools and the storages till all the commercial aspects and many others.

We had to have many meetings, tons of emails, and communications to be able to find the definitive agreement on all these aspects. Moreover, the purchase was under many conditions. Those conditions have been solved only a year later the signing of the preliminary contract.

Having said that, I would like to underline that, in this negotiation, it has been a great pleasure for me to cooperate with Fabrizio Bocci from Dream Tuscany of Montepulciano.

Together, we have always faced all the problems with a positive attitude and aimed to always find shared solutions.

I would say that we did great teamwork to make the parties agree and coincide, being so able to close this negotiation and reach a great result too!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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