Italy is becoming more and more attractive to international clients: the 2017 Gate-Away report

Italy is becoming more and more attractive to international clients: the 2017 Gate-Away report

Great Estate Network Mar 29, 2018 No Comments
Gate-Away, the famous international real estate portal, published its 2017 report: our country still is one of the most requested world’s destinations.

“The international market is enormously increasing and, compared to 2012, the year of the first report, the requests number has quadrupled.”

This is what emerged from the 2017 Gate-Away report, a real estate portal where Great Estate advertises its incredible properties abroad. In 2017, compared to 2016, international requests increased of 23,68%. A very interesting data which underlines the great desire of the international clientele towards our Bel Paese.

2017 report analysis

  • The main requests come from Germany – with a requests increasing of 34,04%, the 15,92% of the total -, US – +25,99% of the requests, i.e. the 14,81% of the total -, and UK – +24,31% of the requests, that is the 13,18% of the total. This three nations represent the 43,9% of the requests, while the other 56% comes from 152 different countries. Another very interesting data concerns the trends of India – in 2017, the requests for Italian properties have increased of 133,33% -, Israeli – +127,24% – and Turkey – +140,58%.
  • Among the preferred locations, Tuscany – the areas of Lunigiana, Chianti and Maremma -, Lombardy – Como Lake -, Liguria, Apulia – Salento and D’Itria Valley -, and Sardinia. Compared to 2016, requests for northern regions as Valle D’Aosta – +69% – and Trentino Alto Adige -68,83% – are increasing too.
Villa Orione” Spoleto.
  • Talking about the available budgets, from the 2017 Gate-Away report it is clear how international clients are focused towards prestigious properties, with a budget of about 400.000€. The 500.000€-1.000.000€ range has increased of the 49,14% too.
  • Talking about the properties typologies, instead, the most requested and researched ones are the independent and ready to move in houses. The percentage of the properties to be renovated requests is very small.
  • The “typical” client is a man, age range between 55 and 64 years old, owing an high educational level.

Great Estate is ready to welcome and support every international client who wants to purchase his/her dream home in the most fascinating areas of Italy.

Visit our website .

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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