“L’Oasi Del Poggitello”: sold in just three months by Great Estate – the strike of Valter Luciani

“L’Oasi Del Poggitello”: sold in just three months by Great Estate – the strike of Valter Luciani

Great Estate Network , Sold Jan 03, 2019 No Comments
After “La Quercia Illuminata” (click here to read our article), Great Estate wins another “flash-sale” with “L’Oasi Del Poggitello” farmhouse, sold three months later its acquisition. Here there will be the report of Valter Luciani who, together with Stefano Petri, has managed the vendors.

A beautiful and interesting property that, in a very short time, thanks also to its unicity and landscape, found its buyer: “L’Oasi Del Poggitello” (click here if you want to discover this property).

It is an important property, composed by two farmhouses surrounded by a great and well maintained park, full of cypresses, roses, rare plants, fruit trees, a wood and a productive olive grove (120 plants).

Immediately, going inside the farmhouses, some typical details caught my attention: the cotto floors, the beams on sight of
the ceilings, the fireplaces and the open-space living room with its majestic wood truss. The whole is entirely illuminated by the large windows overlooking the garden and the hamlet of Parrano.

L’Oasi Del Poggitello” gives also some airy porticos, perfect to live the countryside and enjoy some lunches and relaxing moments. With its open and panoramic position, surrounded by woods, hills and valleys crossed by the Chiani river, the property enchants both for the extraordinary beauty of the nature around it and the romantic sunsets visible on Umbria and Tuscany.

With pride and satisfaction, I want to underline that the sale of this extraordinary property was closed in about three months, which is a very short time: this result was possible because of the beauty of the house itself and, above all, the great advertising work done by the Great Estate Group. From the perfect photo shooting and videos to all the different services which mark the “Great Estate method”.

Indeed, after a first meeting aimed to better explain our methodology to the vendors, the Manager and I went to the property to complete its acquisition and underline, one time more, the efficacy of the tools and services proposed by our group (click here to discover them) for the sale of prestigious properties like “L’Oasi Del Poggitello”: first of all, the impartial property evaluation done through “The Best Price” system (read here our article about this topic) allowed us to establish the right sale price. The vendors, two accountants, have immediately understood the strength of our group and the effectiveness of our methodology. By giving us the exclusive assignment of sale, they first fully agreed with our evaluation and then, more in general, with the sale strategy we proposed them. The simultaneous signing of our “Silver“ marketing plan allowed us to do a great photo shooting, a drone video and to advertise the property on the best international portals, in particular into the German one, being so able to reach, in a direct and focused way, the right potentially interested clients. Among them, we have identified the one who, immediately after the first property visit, fell in love with the residence. In fact, at the second visit, the buyer showed a concrete interest by making a purchase offer and starting the negotiation.

This process, thanks to the collaboration of the colleagues Nadia and Riccardo (click here to read the Nadia’s article) who have friendly and well supported the buyers, was opened and closed quickly, without any particular problem: we were able to provide details, solutions and precise information, as well as to face all the different situations, establishing so a mutual trust relationship and reaching the objective of the sale without too many loss of time and with the complete availability of the professionals. By working together in synergy we have found the right balance for a mutual agreement.

All worked in a professional way directly on site, having we been sat in the large table of the beautiful portico of the farmhouse. Here, in a completely relaxing atmosphere, immersed in the nature and where emotions and happiness for the reached goal did not miss, all the negotiation aspects have been examined and concretized.

A really extraordinary experience fixed in my professional background.

Valter Luciani

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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