Nadia Aron: “the best part of my work? Reading my clients’ satisfaction in their eyes”

Nadia Aron: “the best part of my work? Reading my clients’ satisfaction in their eyes”

Sold Mar 02, 2021 No Comments

While keeping our tale about the sales done by Great Estate in December 2020, we are now going to tell you about “C’Era Una Volta”: a charming property near Montepulciano – Tuscany – purchased by a German couple managed by Nadia Aron, the person in charge for the GE German market, as well as the managing director of Italia Immobilien.
Our interview with her.

  • Welcome, Nadia. Right as for the sale of “La Terrazza”, the winning cooperation between you and the professionals of Rolling Hills allowed the realization of another great goal: the sale of “C’Era Una Volta”! Would you like to tell us something about the new owners of this splendid farmhouse? When did you meet them?

Michael and Britta come from Dortmund, Germany. They are very close to Mr. and Mrs. K, the clients who – on May 2020 – purchased the farmhouse named “La Terrazza” in Torrita Di Siena after having visited it through a video chat on Face Time (read their interview here).

Well, being them aware of Michael and Britta’s research in Italy, Arlette and Stephen K. told them about me and my work, and… so it was!

  • Which kind of property were they looking for? Where?

They were looking for a charming property that had to match their expectations and lifestyle. Michael and Britta have two daughters. Obviously, this influenced their choice of the features of the property they were looking for. Indeed, the house has to be bright, harmonious, close to the main Italian centres with all their services.

  • How many properties did you visited together?

It has been a very hard research: from Acquasparta to Todi (Umbria), till Siena and… Montepulciano (Tuscany). However, the most interesting aspect was that the more we were looking for the clients’ ideal property together, the most we all understood that they were looking for what they did NOT want.

I have to admit that this process has been very useful to identify the right home, by reaching so the objective sale.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è cera-una-volta-3.jpg

Well, when we were close to the deal, there were two properties at stake: “Cera Una Volta” in Montepulciano, and “Montevolparo” in Todi. In the end, the choice was…of the new generations! Indeed, the daughters of Michael and Britta decided on “C’Era Una Volta” because, in addition to its beauty, it is also very close to the historic centre of Montepulciano, a remarkable touristic destination.

  • How will they use their new home?
Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è cera-una-volta-2.jpg

In the beginning, it will be their holiday home. However, Michael expressed also his will to permanently move – in the future – to Montepulciano.

  • Nadia, would you like to tell us something about the negotiation?

The negotiation was quite short. Indeed, the clients visited “C’Era Una Volta” just two times. Surely, they needed some time to convince themselves to purchase it. Personally, in these regards, I think that new generations – sometimes – proved higher wisdom and taste for decisions!

The buyers offered a price that was a little lower than the asking one… but the agreement with the seller was reached!

Talking about the farmhouse, there were some discrepancies from a technical-urbanistic point of view.

However, thanks to the important work done by the colleague Alberto Zarro (from our partner agency Rolling Hills), in cooperation with the specialist of the owners, we were able to reach the final deed of sale with all the papers needed.

  • To conclude, Nadia are you satisfied with the result achieved? If so…why?

Obviously, a positively closed negotiation and the consequent satisfaction of the clients is always a great reason to be proud and happy!

I work majorly by myself: from the property search to the constant commitment towards my clients’ needs. Often happens that, for just a detail, the property turns to be not the right one… as a consequence, I have to start everything back!

But then, when the clients tells you:

“… thanks for what you did… it was the right property for us… now my whole family is happy…”

Well, that is the best moment of the entire path done with the clients, and it pays me back of all the efforts made!

The greatest price of my work is the thankfulness of my clients, people who have the highest expectation possible on you and your work.

Purchasing a home in Italy is not just purchasing a property, a place where to stand: it is also the place where your soul and feeling will live.

For this reason, I feel very responsible towards my clients while presenting them properties that have to match their tastes and exigencies. I think they can understand my will and commitment, so they have always given me the possibility of suggesting them in tranquility.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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