Professionalism and sharing of the GE method: the floor goes now to Marco Barbanera

Magazine Great Estate

In October, Great Estate closed the sale of the amazing “Il Piccolo Loft” farmhouse in Umbria. The real estate agents and protagonists of it were: Stefano Petri, the group CEO, as well as the vendor’s consultant, and Marco Barbanera, CEO of GE partner agency  – Re-House Immobiliare – , who managed the buyers. Marco told us his opinions on this sale.

I met Piotr Pogorzelski and his wife Ewa, two Polish citizens, some months before signing “Il Piccolo Loft” purchase proposal. They contacted me by phone because they were interested in another property (a farmhouse near Piegaro, in the province of Perugia).

During the following days, in order to better understand their needs and the main features of their dream property, I spoke a lot with the clients. After this “investigation work”, I started research among the properties of our group and chose a few of them. Subsequently, I immediately sent an email to Pogorzelski with those proposals, “Il Piccolo Loft” was one of them.

Indeed, in my opinion, even if its price was a little higher than their budget, this farmhouse represented the only one with all the main features of their dream home. Il Piccolo Loft is a new building, with just a few little renovation works to do, three bedrooms, a large garden with the possibility to create a swimming pool, in a beautiful location with privacy, completely independent but not too isolated. From there, it is also easy to reach Rome in a very short time.

However, before going to the Il Piccolo Loft farmhouse with the clients, we saw others properties, as the ones of the Cerretello in Piegaro, too. Lastly – and because of a precise idea of mine – we visited Il Piccolo Loft.

When we arrived to the property, I immediately noticed a different and unexpected behaviour of the clients… as if, from the very first moment, they had realized that this was their right property. During the visit, they were more involved and asked a lot of questions. From their looks and movements, it seemed they had found – as I had thought–  their dream home. I remember, as we finished the visit, they told me that both the Great Estate Group photo shooting and descriptive brochure of the property were perfect.

At this point, the final choice depended just on the difference between the requested sale price and the Messrs Pogorzelski’s budget. Indeed, during the following days and between the first and the second visit, there were many phone calls between me, Mr. Piotr, Stefano Petri and Ms. Milena Bono (the seller and ex-owner of the farmhouse). We had to find the right solution for everyone and, at the end, thanks to the professionalism, the experience and the persistence of Stefano, we were able, few days later the second meeting, to find and agreement.

As always, it was a great pleasure and honour for me to work with Stefano, now as in the past. When we talk together, we often share the same ideas on our working method: in particular, we agree about the importance of respectfully working and behaving as great professionals. This, as well as the application of a common methodology which allows to work together and in the same direction, could seem something expected but, in our field, it is extremely rare.

A working method that, as confirmed in this sale, is able to reach very important goals!

This property has been successfully sold.

To find out the final sale value or search for other similar properties, please contact us, we will be happy to help.

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