The sale of “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”: The Best Price and the Silver Marketing Plan were fundamental

The sale of “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”: The Best Price and the Silver Marketing Plan were fundamental

Great Estate Network Jul 24, 2020 No Comments
On 11th March 2020, thanks to the support of the consultants Gregorio Badessi and Stefano Calafà from the GE partner agency “Via Dei Colli Immobiliare”, “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi” has been purchased by an international couple. We collected their impressions about this sale.


I remember to have met the vendors of “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi” about 4 years ago when they noticed the level of our properties and the quality of their presentation. They are Italian. After their contact, we started our cooperation.

They renovated the property at the beginning of 2000. The works were done by some local experts. Personally, I think that the strengths of this property are many, but its views and location surely make the difference.

The property was on the market with three agencies already, but its price was really very high. After having proposed them our estimate, the clients decided to reduce the price and agreed with us for a Silver Marketing plan.

When, sometimes later, the vendors decreased the price further and getting so close to the one of the estimate we did through The Best Price, this marketing plan and, more in general, our cooperation, gave results.


Talking about the buyers, Lee (from California) contacted us in September 2019 through an Italian real estate portal.

The US clients, in love with Italy – they are trying to learn our language –, were looking for a property in Umbria, ideally near the northern Tevere Valley, an area they knew very well already and where they used to meet some friends.

Luckily, we were able to identify a property that, in their opinion, has a really perfect position.

We tried to understand which were their exigencies. So, after having visited another property in the same area (precisely the one for which they contacted us), Gregorio and I decided to bring them to “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”:

It was love at first sight.

The futures that caught their attention the most were the panorama and the amazing sunset that is possible to enjoy from here.

Obviously, the presence of a swimming pool and of an independent guesthouse were a plus too.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è 5-s522-panoramic-views-copia-900x600.jpg Lee (read here their interview) will use “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi” for themselves and their family during the holidays.

Regarding the negotiation, we can say that – on the whole – it has been very easy if compared to others but, before the final deed of sale, some urbanistic adjustments were needed. Indeed, a part of the property – the main farmhouse – has been used as a touristic accommodation with a family business-owned restaurant. For this reason, we had to ask for a change of use permit of the building.

Another unpleasant note connected to the Coronavirus emergency was the impossibility of the buyers to be present both at the preliminary contract and final deed of sale signing.

Despite this, we are very satisfied!

Indeed, after the last price reduction, we reached the “objective sale” in a very short time! Moreover, our support made both parties very happy about this negotiation, sellers, and buyers.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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