The sale of “La Quiete”: Orvieto’s countryside in the spotlight again

On 25 June, the countryside around Orvieto was, once again, the focus of a Great Estate sale, the one of “La Quiete”, a beautiful country residence located close to this fascinating and historic Umbrian city.

Surrounded by the gentle countryside of Orvieto and not far from the shores of Lake Bolsena, a lovely country residence stands: “La Quiete”.
Recently refurbished with top quality materials, such as the terracotta made by the Sugaroni kiln of Castel Viscardo, “La Quiete” stands on a hill, in a quiet location but not far from essential services and close to the ancient city of Orvieto.

This beautiful country residence was officially purchased on 25 June by Mr. and Mrs. Body, a couple from the UK who decided to move into their magnificent new Umbrian residence!

This was an all-female success for Great Estate, as the sale was negotiated by consultants Ilaria Peparaio, who handled the selling side, and Alice Ceccomoro, who handled the buyers.

Alice told us a few details about her recent success!

Welcome, Alice! Would you like to tell us about customers who have bought “La Quiete”?

The new owners of “La Quiete” are a couple from Great Britain.
They contacted us on 10 October 2020 through the Idealista portal, saying they wanted to book a visit of this property for the following Saturday.

They were looking for a renovated, rather modern property with at least 3 bedrooms, a basement, and a garage, as well as a nice garden with a swimming pool. In addition, the house had to be close to essential services and ideally have solar panels.
However, the most important feature for them was that it should be bright and have nice windows.

Have you seen many properties together?

I offered them 22 of the properties on our website which, in principle, could match their search parameters. However, together we only visited the one they selected and subsequently bought.

My clients have chosen “La Quiete” because this country house is beautifully restored, carefully maintained, and offers great space, both indoors and outdoors. It also enjoys the right amount of privacy while being close to other houses, Orvieto and Lake Bolsena.
Mr. and Mrs. Body will be moving to Italy and “La Quiete” will become their primary residence. In fact, James has already started the paperwork to move his residence to Umbria.

Great Alice. Let’s move on to the negotiation: would you like to tell me briefly how it happened?

I can only say that the negotiation went very well!

As I mentioned before, the clients only wanted to view “La Quiete” and, two days after the visit, they wrote to me informing me of their wish to purchase this property.

In addition to me, Mr. and Mrs. Body also chose to use a law firm.
Together, their lawyer and I established a very smooth collaboration, very good I would say, working carefully and accurately analyzing the clients’ needs, as well as all the documentation relating to the property that had been promptly delivered to us by my colleague Ilaria Peparaio, the seller’s consultant.

Thanks also to her, the seller, and the seller’s technician, the entire purchase process ran smoothly.

The seller’s technician, in particular, drew up a very detailed and thorough due diligence of the property: a document that was crucial to the success of the negotiations!

Due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the clients could not be present at either the preliminary or the deed of sale: both deeds were signed by power of attorney.

In addition, in the time between the signing of the deeds, Mr. and Mrs. Body put up for sale their house in England, which they sold just a few weeks before the deed of purchase of “La Quiete”.

In conclusion Alice… are you happy with this sale? And for what reasons?

I would say so!

First of all, because Mr. and Mrs. Body were very satisfied with their purchase and their experience with our group!

Moreover, during the time between the signing of the proposal, the signing of the preliminary contract, and the signing of the deed, the clients had to sell their property in London, which they did very quickly!

Therefore, this experience also allowed me to interface with the property buying and selling process followed in the UK, and thus to increase my knowledge.

I will always have fond memories of the sale of “La Quiete” and its new owners, James and Sophie Body!

Don’t miss the video interview with Mr. and Mrs. Body… Soon on line in the Great Estate Magazine!

Read also:

Orvieto and its countryside: the destination of choice for a better life … even in retirement!
Living suspended above a tuff cliff: let us introduce you Orvieto
Mr. and Mrs. Body and “La Quiete”: ‘we were enormously impressed with Alice”

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