Filippo Cori: Mrs. Barbara was a really exceptional client!

Magazine Great Estate

After Stefano Calafà, today we are going to propose you Filippo Cori’s interview on the sale of “Antica Chiesa” for which he managed the buyer.

Despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19, Barbara has never got discouraged and has always transmitted me good feelings. I was really lucky to have her as a client and, as an Italian, I am glad that a person like her was the one able to appreciate and share what our amazing country can offer.

It is precisely with those words that Filippo Cori – a GE real estate consultant – closes his interview about the sale of “Antica Chiesa”, a farmhouse near Todi. Important words that prove how, even in a so hard moment as the current one, a well-structured, efficient, and effective organization combined with a positive attitude can bring to important results and the realization of a “real estate dream” too.

Welcome, Filippo, congratulation on this last success of yours that, as we already know, you were able to reach during this coronavirus emergency. Would you like to tell us something about the client you managed and that finally purchased “Antica Chiesa”?

My client comes from the USA but lives in Egypt. She was looking for an apartment or an independent renovated property with at least 3 bedrooms. She has no preferences for the location, but her budget was about 300-500.000 euros.

Our research tool about three years! My first contacts with her date back to 2017: she was part of our database already, having been managed by an ex-co-operator of Great Estate.

In the beginning, we had a little conversation via mail: I remember that, at that time, we were launching the new GE website and – due to some technical problems – she cannot see the properties of our newsletters. We started speaking a lot – something like 300 e-mails in three years! However, during the last two, our contacts were more sporadic. On January, 30th 2019, Barbara answered our customer care service and communicated to us her will of purchase. So I contacted her back and we talked about some properties, among which “Antica Chiesa” stood too.

By the end of February, we started examining every single detail of the property: access, floorplans, documents, etc. And right in these days, when Italy was facing the starting of the COVID-19 emergency, she thought that the nephew – who was in Milan – could come in Umbria to visit the home. However, Milan was already considered a “red zone”, so there were a lot of problems to leave from it.

Despite the situation that, with the days passing, was really getting worst, on March 4th we were finally able to set a last-minute visit up to the property. My client knew that probably it would have been the only occasion she could have had to visit the property in person for a very long time. Indeed, the visit was of about three hours. I would like to underline how important was the support of my colleague Stefano Calafà, the vendors’ consultant. Indeed, Stefano has been knowing the owners and the property for a long time and this has surely helped us in responding quickly and precisely to every single question of the buyer.

What did the client appreciate most of this property? Why has she decided to purchase it?

Surely, the fact that “Antica Chiesa” was ready-to-move-in, already and suitable to be entered into the touristic rental market. Moreover, other important features were the tranquillity and beauty of the place, as well as the fact of having a housekeeper right at the complex and always present.

How will she use this property in the future?

It will be a second home for her and her large family. Moreover, it will be also entered into the tourist rental market.

To conclude, would you like to tell us some detail about the negotiation?

I think that – together with Stefano Calafà – we were able to close a great work by obtaining immediately the client’s trust and by answering all her questions during the visit. Talking for the buyer’s part, the negotiation has been almost linear. It has been the normal consequence of a process arranged and started some weeks before and through constant information exchange.

Barbara was a really exceptions client, I would sail the ideal client. She has always bear in mind our suggestions and, together, we shared all the stages needed to reach the sale.

The biggest difficulties were connected to the logistic and caused by coronavirus: Barbara and her nephew could come to visit the property but had some problems to return the day after our meeting. The situation was in continuous evolution and the news was not so reassuring. We were able to follow all the steps needed to close the sale remotely, every one from his/her own home.

Moreover, thanks to architect Federico Peparaio – a partner of our Group – we could realize a property due diligence in a very short time. Finally, despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19, Barbara has never got discouraged and has always transmitted me good feelings. I was really lucky to have her as a client and, as an Italian, I am glad that a person like her was the one able to appreciate and share what our amazing country can offer.

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