December, 31st 2017 – The team led by Stefano Petri closed another important sale: a beautiful farmhouse in Todi. Our CEO’s comments and impressions.
It is said that “who starts the year well, he/she will do so all the yearlong”. This is our certainty.
On December, 31st 2017 we closed an important negotiation: “Casale San Giorgio”. We had already told you about this property in one of our last articles.
“Casale San Giorgio” mixes an incredible location – overlooking Todi – to an amazing elegance and refinement. The Group had acquired this property three years ago. At the beginning, the property requested price was of about 1,4 millions/euros. At that time already, Carla Caselli, the GE consultant who dealt with the vendor, suggested her to decrease it. This was in order to enter the property on the market with a more objective price, like the one of our property estimate. However, the owner was not ready to take this step yet.
We are quite accustomed to this kind of situations: indeed, they occur in the 90% of the cases. This is also why we created The Best Price, our innovative software which is able to support us during the property evaluating explanation to the owner.
Unfortunately, talking about “Casale San Giorgio”, it took us two years to achieve this point: practically speaking, they were two wasted years, even if, at the end and with the support of Suzanne Van Ravenstein, we were able to identify the right buyers. They signed a 900.000€ proposal. On January, 1st2018 we met the “Casale San Giorgio” owner into our Spoleto office. The negotiation was pretty difficult but, as always, the union and cooperation among the different real estate agents were perfect, and allowed us to reach the sale.
It has been a great satisfaction for us, a group which finds its strength right in its diversity. An efficient and incisive working methodology, a clear exposure, a continuous increasing and learning will, as well as a unique team spirit: those are just a few of the most important bases and qualities of the group I have the pleasure to lead towards some ever higher results.
Teamwork is the only element which can let you achieve the greatest results.
Stefano Petri