Great Estate is still the protagonist: the sale of “Il Re Della Valle”

Great Estate is still the protagonist: the sale of “Il Re Della Valle”

Sold Jan 21, 2020 1 Comment

After “La Torretta”, Great Estate signed the sale of another farmhouse located in the countryside near Todi too: “Il Re Della Valle”, sold in November 2019.

The final deed of sale of “Il Re Della Valle” has been signed at the GE head office in November, 29th 2019.

Stefano Petri, the GE CEO, managed the vendors. He told us about the strengths of “Il Re Della Valle”.

They may be summarized into: a very unique location – this was precisely what made us decide its name; the beauty of the park surrounding the farmhouse – rich of plants and very well-maintained; the architecture of the house and its perfect renovation. Finally, its vicinity to the main communication routes and to Todi. So, all features that you can usually find in luxury properties only (click here for the property tab).

Roberto Biggera was the other GE consultant who contributed to reaching this further goal of the Group. He managed the buyers, a couple from the Netherlands.

To discover more about this amazing sale, keep reading our Magazine.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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