Nadia Aron: “Christina and Horst realized their Italian dream”

Magazine Great Estate

As we told you some days ago, the amazing “Podere Monteverde” has been purchased by a German couple managed by Nadia Aron, the person in charge of the GE German market. She told us the details of this recent success.

Mrs. Christina and Mr. Horst contacted us through the GE website in order to receive more information on the property they had then purchased: “Podere Monteverde”. They both are German and live in a traditional town near Munich, Siegsdorf Eisenarzt.

Their ideas were very clear: they were looking for a property where to move immediately. Moreover, it has to be very beautiful and traditional, surrounded by privacy but not too distant from the main services, and with a beautiful view.

Christina and Horst perfectly know the centre of Italy! Despite the fact that they had already visited some properties in this area, but with another agency, their attention was focused on “Podere Monteverde” in Otricoli.

On September, 1st 2020, after the property visit… they took their decision! Only a few days later, we made a second visit that, in my opinion, was aimed to confirm them their choice.

Indeed, some weeks later they decided to present an offer for “Podere Monteverde”.

This property owns basically everything: charm, right dimension, elegance and style. Obviously, when you reach the farmhouse, it seems you to be in a postcard. Moreover, the swimming pool done with a charming white stone and surrounded by a luxuriant park has represented a true gem in a so terrific landscape.

Christina and Horst confirmed me that “Podere Monteverde” will become their “home”: indeed, they are going to move in their “Italian dream” permanently.

As often in these situations, my relationship with the clients was quite hard at the beginning: we had some misunderstandings that were overcome only thanks to the vendors’ kindness.

Indeed, calmness and ability of communication were fundamental to clarify all those difficult situations! However, as Christina and Horst said:

“all’s well that ends well!”

Despite this, I have to admit that the property had all the papers in order.

When my clients are satisfied with the decision taken, I am satisfied too!

When I am able to satisfy “the Italian dream” of a German couple, I remember myself when I came here. I do understand and I still perfectly feel the importance of this goal.

I understand the difficulties, doubts, hopes, as well as – when you are sure about what you are doing – the consequent satisfaction!

We always have to bear in mind the desire included into the decision of purchase a property abroad even when still not able to talk the same language, or not completely aware of the lifestyle, etc. A choice like that includes a great amount of courage!

This is precisely the moment when I realize I love my work!

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