The Best Price, due diligence, professionalism, and great management of the clients: those are the secrets of the sale of “Podere Monteverde” that Suzanne Van Ravenstein, the GE vendors’ consultant, is going to tell us in this interview.
Welcome, Suzanne! Would you like to tell us when and how you met the vendors?
Mr. and Mrs. Micheli contacted us about a year and a half ago through our website. We met at the end of spring 2019. “Podere Monteverde” has been their home for about 30 years! Then, some years ago, they decided to leave the countryside to go back to their original town, Narni, where they had recently purchased a new home. In my opinion, “Podere Monteverde” is a really fantastic property. In particular, the main farmhouse has been renovated in detail: the ex-owners did great work!

Moreover, the swimming pool in the park is a “rare gem”, almost unique, because done by using some original Apulian white stones… really beautiful!

Finally, what to say about the panoramic view of the Santo Iolo vineyards? Simply terrific!

Was the property in the market already? Did you sign any marketing plan?
We were the first and unique agency that managed the sale of this house: indeed, Mr. and Mrs. Micheli signed an exclusive assignment for sale including an international marketing plan with us.
Let’s talk now about the estimate with The Best Price. What do you think about it?
The estimate done through TBP was about € 705,000.00. if we consider that the sale price was about € 695,000.00, I can affirm – without any doubt – that it was a great deal for my clients, and that our tool – The Best Price – hit the target! Also, in this case, it highlighted the most objective market value for this property, with a difference between TBP and the real sale price of just 1,4%.
Let’s move now to the negotiation: would you like to tell us shortly how was it?
The german clients who purchased “Podere Monteverde” were managed by my colleague, Mrs. Nadia Aron. They immediately fell in love with this property and its location. They made two property visits: the first one with Nadia, while the second with me, and just a few days later. Then, after two weeks, they presented a purchase offer. My clients accepted it immediately.
By a technical-bureaucratic point of view, did you find any problem?
No, at all! All the papers of “Podere Monteverde” were perfect! The vendors’ surveyor did a very detailed and complete due diligence. Moreover, the specialist from the municipality of Otricoli was very helpful (despite the difficulties caused by Covid-19). In this regard, I would like to underline that, to sell quickly and profitably, it is fundamental that the property’s asking price and its market value match, but also that – right from the moment when the property is entered into the market – its documents are complete and in order.
I think that the sale of “Podere Monteverde” is the exact proof of what was just said. The “documents” allowed us to rapidly close the negotiation without any particular problem. Indeed, we did not have to face any delay because of the missing of a paper. According to my professional experience, I can surely affirm that, until now, I have found a few properties like “Podere Monteverde”… that can be sold immediately: for this reason, it has been a great pleasure to sell this property, I am very satisfied!
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