Nicolò Cordone and “Amore Di Vino”: a very detailed “virtual-work”

Nicolò Cordone and “Amore Di Vino”: a very detailed “virtual-work”

Great Estate Network Dec 04, 2020 No Comments
Some days ago, we told you about the extraordinary “virtual-sale” of the apartment located in the historic centre of Cortona: “Amore Di Vino”. Today, we are going to propose to you our interview with Nicolò Cordone, the GE consultant who managed the buyers. In order to bring them to the purchase of this home, he used some of the recent innovative tools of our Group: the Virtual Visits.
  • Welcome, Nicolò. We start our interview by talking about the buyers…what can you tell us about them?

The new owners of “Amore Di Vino” are a funny and young couple who is living in Argentina: Santi. They own a printing house company there. Sometimes, they come to Italy to spend some moments with their Italian parents. Indeed, the wife is from Cortona.

Last August, they sent us a request through I immediately replied to them via email. Then, we remained in contact through WhatsApp. From the very first time, we established a good feeling.

The research of Santi was focused on Cortona: a famous touristic destination, very close to the area where their family lives. They have been analyzing all the market proposals for a long time, so they decided on a property in the historic centre of the town. Our Group proposes a detailed section of properties in that area, so I selected some houses to propose them.

  • Have you seen many properties together?

Absolutely no! We visited just two apartments, the most interesting for them: the largest one needed some works in order to be perfect for their needs, while “Amore Di Vino” was already complete, even if a little smaller. Before visiting the houses, we analyzed them both.

  • We know that, before the signing of the final deed of sale, the clients have not visited “Amore Di Vino” in person yet, right Nicolò?

Exactly! Their Italian relatives visited the properties for them. I recorded also some detailed videos of the homes, and I sent them to the clients.

  • During these last and difficult months, the Covid-19 emergency changed the “normal” activities of the Group, in particular the property visits. For this reason, Great Estate created an extraordinary and innovative strategy: the virtual visits. You mentioned some videos you did for your clients: what can you tell us about them?

My clients had three virtual visits of the property:

  1. The first one, thanks to the property Virtual Tour (that consists of a 360° visit of the houses), and the promoting video done for “Amore Di Vino” (a video that gives some excellent images of both the internal and external spaces of the house). The Virtual Tour, thanks to which the client can observe all the details of the home and move in it as he/she prefers was surely very useful for Santi in order to understand the property internal layout.
  2. The second, through an Internal and External Property Video that I personally realized. Through this, I wanted my clients to see not just some important elements of the apartment – they were not present on the promoting video of the house – like the staircases and the bedroom layout, but also the contest of the property through the recording of the historic centre alleys near the home.
  3. Finally, decisive was the One to One Virtual Visit we did via WhatsApp. This service allowed the clients to live the house “virtually”.
  • Why did your clients decide to purchase this home? How will they use it?

“Amore Di Vino” perfectly matches their exigences. The decision of purchasing it was very easy: they will have the opportunity to use it for some shorts period of the year, and “Amore Di Vino” represented a good investment for them.

The house is already in the rental touristic market. It has been recently renovated, so its conditions are great and it is also very modern. Moreover, the price requested matched perfectly with the real estate values of Cortona (discover it here). Santi will maintain the property in the rental market, but they will use the house during their visits to Italy.

I am sure that “Amore Di Vino” is the right property for them, the one they were looking for. Here, Santi and their friends will spend some charming holidays together!

  • Nicolò, let’s talk now about the negotiation. How did it go?

After the One to One Virtual Visit, the clients knew quite all about the property already.

The “virtual” work done was very detailed. It produced more than just a “memory”, it created almost the same sensations you can live in the reality.

After the “virtual”, we had to face the “bureaucratic” work. For this reason, we organized a video chat during which I presented an estimate of the costs for the purchase and the different steps of the process to my clients.

During this phase, the assistance of my colleague, Mrs. Caterina Caloni – the vendors’ consultant – was fundamental.

Indeed, the work we made was a lot. It was essential to understand all the aspects connected to the negotiation, as well as to choose the most logical and convenient solution for both the parties.

So, Santi decided to purchase the home.

I wrote down the purchase offer and, as always, our CEO, Mr. Stefano Petri, has then controlled it. Moreover, he assisted in all the phases of the negotiation as well.

To the first offer of my clients, a new one of the vendors has followed. It included also the furnishing in the apartment.

Soon, we closed the deal. We were all very satisfied.

Because of Covid emergency, the buyers arrived in Italy in October only, but they have to do a quarantine of two weeks.

I tried to identify myself with them: how curious could they have been about the property they were going to purchase in Cortona!

As long as their quarantine was over, we met and went to the house.

Finally, on November 4th 2020, we could sign the final deed of sale of the home and celebrate this charming purchase.

Now, that curiosity has become a splendid reality: Santi could finally spend their holidays in their new property in Italy, in Cortona.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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