“Amore Di Vino”: Great Estate signs another “virtual” sale

“Amore Di Vino”: Great Estate signs another “virtual” sale

Great Estate Network , Sold Dec 01, 2020 No Comments
After the sales of “Tenuta Santa Cristina”, “La Terrazza”, and “Il Paradiso Su Todi”, on November 4th. 2020, Great Estate celebrated another “virtual” sale, the one of “Amore Di Vino”: a charming apartment near the historical center of Cortona. In this sale, some of the innovative services offered by the Group led by Stefano Petri were fundamental.

Amore Di Vino” is a suggestive apartment located in one of the most fascinating and remarkable hamlets of Tuscany: Cortona. An international touristic destination that still maintains its original charm, perfectly matching with the Tuscan tradition (read here the article).

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è vendesi-appartamento-in-centro-storico-in-toscana-arezzo-cortona-15946376296123.jpg

Located near the center of the town, “Amore Di Vino” presents itself as a warm, bright, and charming property.

Its large living room on the main floor with fireplace, kitchenette, and view, as well as the two bedrooms with a panoramic view located on the upper floor, catch your attention immediately.

Well, last November 04, this gem in Cortona has become the property of an Italo-Argentinian couple. The negotiation was followed by Nicolò Cordone – who managed the buyers – and Caterina Caloni – who managed the vendors.

For the sale of this property, three among the recent and innovative services offered by our Group were fundamental. Indeed, thanks to these, Nicolò’s clients decided to purchase their ideal home “remotely”.

Let’s discover them:

  • By visiting the tab of this property on our website (click here), you could see how for this proposal, like for many others signed Great Estate, it has been realized a Virtual Tour. Thanks to this tool that allows a 360° view of all its rooms, this service offers the buyer the opportunity to “move” in the house as if he/she was on the spot.

N.B.: to be clearer, we would like to remember you that – for this property – a professional video has been realized too.

  • But that is not all: in order to make the feeling between “Amore Di Vino” and the clients consolidate, Nicolò made also an internal video. In this way, our consultant made the property even more “clear” and “real” to the buyers’ eyes.
  • Finally, decisive was the One to One Virtual Visit to the property. He used WhatsApp. In the call, there were Mr. Cordone and the buyers. Thanks to this, Mr. and Mrs. Bordoli could “virtually live” their new property in Italy.

The negotiation has started after this third virtual visit. It has ended on November, 4th, with the signing of the final deed of sale.

A “little”, let we say “little”, detail:

Mr. and Mrs. Bordoli could see “Amore Di Vino” for the first time only a few days before the signing of the final deed of sale – after the preliminary contract acceptance – experiencing so all the emotions and sensations they had during the virtual visits.

Great Estate can boast another extraordinary sale!

Extraordinary not just because it was signed during the pandemic, but because the clients decided to purchase “Amore Di Vino” after and thanks to the innovative virtual visits offered by Great Estate!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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