Panicale: history, art, and traditions of the ancient castle overlooking the Trasimeno Lake

Panicale: history, art, and traditions of the ancient castle overlooking the Trasimeno Lake

Lifestyle Jan 17, 2020 No Comments

Known as “the most beautiful terrace on the Trasimeno Lake”, Panicale is one of the most fascinating hamlets of Umbria.

On a green Umbrian hill near Tuscany, the town of Panicale stands. This fascinating medieval hamlet has been able to maintain, during time, its original architecture.

At about 440 a.s.l., in a dominant position on the Trasimeno and Nestore valleys, Panicale still presents itself as a castle with a concentric-rings layout. In the past, this hamlet had great strategic importance. Today, instead, it has become a remarkable touristic destination.

Panicale has always been a place where art and news have – and still are –  welcomed and respected. Among the first free Communes of Italy, its statute dates back to 1316. It has been drawn in Latin by Notary Pietro Di Vannuccio. In 1484, for a better distribution of the same, the paper has also been translated into the vernacular. During the Renaissance, Panicale lived a period of economic, artistic and cultural development that favourited the presence of great artists like Il Perugino.

In the core of this historic Umbrian hamlet, there are many architectonical proofs of its old history.

From the San Michele Arcangelo Collegiate Church, with its Renaissance façade and beautiful baroque rooms hosting some of the most charming works of Il Perugino, to square Umberto I – right in the heart of the town – where an amazing travertine fountain dating back to ‘400 stands. In that period, it has been used as a tank.

Going to the highest part of the centre, we can reach Palazzo Del Podestà: an incredible Lombard Gothic-styled building. It is currently used as a historic and notarial archive.

From the square in front of Palazzo Del Podestà, it is also possible to enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding hills and the Trasimeno Lake.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è Panicale_panorama.jpg

Panicale is not just history, art and architecture, but also ancient local traditions such as tulle embroidery. This art has been handed down by the women of Panicale since the years ’20 of the last century. It has been created by Anita Belleschi Grifoni – one of the first woman entrepreneurs in the area – who founded her school of embroidery, Ars Panicalensis. This represented a great step toward economic independence for many women of the hamlet.

Today, Panicale is one of the most fascinating hamlets in Italy. Indeed, many national and international touristic appreciate it.

A true castle where to find peace and relax while surrounded by the green Umbria, but near Tuscany.

Visit our website or call our head office if you want to discover all the amazing properties for sale that our Group offers in Panicale and its surroundings.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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