Values and Italian Lifestyle: the heart and soul of Great Stays

Values and Italian Lifestyle: the heart and soul of Great Stays

Holiday Rentals Oct 14, 2022 No Comments
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The success of a company always derives from a set of guidelines and founding values which inspire its entire activity. Words such as honesty, transparency, responsibility and innovation, define the way in which a company is perceived by both its employees and clients. These seem like obvious concepts but in an increasingly complex era, in which human relationships are quickly consumed, often confusing the real level with the virtual one, bringing people to the center of attention has become a core value for us at Great Stays, both within the company and externally, in the relationship with clients and owners. 

What do we mean by focusing on the individual and bringing his or her values back to the center also in the business sphere? This intention is best expressed in 4 fundamental points.

Care of services and customization

For guests staying in our properties, the key idea is to provide a personalized service, creating the conditions for an unforgettable holiday with selected activities and tailor-made support, before, during and after arrival. Listening is our strong point! We are committed to understanding the client and their needs to make their dream stay come true.
For owners who rely on Great Stays to manage their wonderful homes, we provide all the best to enhance them with staff coordination services, home staging, professional photo services, drone video and 3D video, making use of the most advanced technologies. We offer a property price assessment using innovative tools, sharing the owner’s perspective and priorities.

Connect with the territory and with the environment

We make available to both guests and owners all our knowledge of the territory we inhabit and love, the contacts matured over years of working relationships of each of us, backed by decades of experience of a network such as that of Great Estate.

We are a tour operator of tourist stays with a strong focus on eco-sustainability and we consider the value of respect for the environment a cornerstone of our mission: making guests and owners aware of good environmental practices is an important part of our investment in communication. For us, environmental sensitivity is an essential value that goes hand in hand with restoring the centrality of people, whether they are clients, owners or our external collaborators.

Humanity and professionalism

Creating a positive holiday experience begins with remaining faithful to the words we speak: fairness is another important value that we embrace and consider a true pillar of our work. 

We are a company that aims at innovation and computerization of services: our site is a continuously updated tool. The online process is based on maximum transparency and an all-around virtual experience: drone videos, 3D videos, high-quality photos and detailed descriptions give anyone who decides to book a stay with Great Stays a pleasant experience right from the first contact.

Integrity, honesty, fairness, responsibility, correctness and availability are just some of the corporate values in which we identify.

Culture of beauty and Italian Lifestyle

We pursue beauty as an absolute value and we love sharing the marvelous territories in which we live with those who want to savor it in all its forms: the Italian lifestyle of good living is what makes every stay a memorable and unique experience. Every day we live and explore these territories to discover fascinating homes immersed in unique scenarios to select only what we fall in love with, aiming for quality rather than quantity.
The Italian Lifestyle, art, gastronomy, nature, landscapes and the sweet lifestyle of Italian villages, sharing exquisite food while enjoying good wine, are the cultural heritage that contribute to making unique stays in charming properties in Great Stays brand.

Honesty, transparency, responsibility, innovation, placing the individual at the center of attention,the value of respect for the environment, correctness, computerization, integrity, fairness, availability, and beauty as an absolute value, are and will continue to be our founding values and with them we will form our pillars, our modest but ambitious contribution to doing business soulfully.

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Great Stays

We work every day to inspire travel to places we cherish. We select dream properties and places giving you an unforgettable experience.

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