Giacomo Buonavita and the sale of “Il Piccolo Cuore”: an incredible professional experience

In occasion of “Il Piccolo Cuore” final deed of sale signing, we met our real estate consultant Giacomo Buonavita, who told us about this experience.

The meeting and professional relationship with the vendors

I met the vendor, a very nice and dynamic English woman, at the end of 2018 and because of another negotiation I managed regarding a property near the one she owned. In that moment, I needed to communicate her the right of first refusal connected to the purchasing of the neighbouring house: so, I can affirm that the discovery of “Il Piccolo Cuore” was completely made by chance. When I phoned her for the very first time, she affirmed to have the will of selling her property too. For this reason, a few hours later, I went there for my first property visit.

There, a great felling between us started. I think that this was precisely what made her decide to sign an exclusive assignment for sale with our Group. Moreover, she had already received positive feedbacks about us from some of her friends who already knew our services.

The buyers

I met the buyers during summer 2018, the same period when they decided to start looking for a property in the centre of Italy: a beautiful and young couple resident in Switzerland and in love with our country. I perfectly remember the first time we met, during a hot summer day, to visit four properties between Umbria and Tuscany. This was a great opportunity to discover each other and create the basis for their home research. We finally met again at the end of 2018, when they rented a farmhouse to spend their Christmas holiday in.

However, clients noticed the advertisement of “Il Piccolo Cuore” (click here to discover the property) once back at home only: a farmhouse which caught their attention immediately, even if it was not the property they were initially looking for.

The negotiation

The negotiation has been a sort of a race against time: in just 15 advertising days, the property, thanks to its beauty and the national and international marketing work done by Great Estate, was able to highly succeed. Many times, during the property visits, clients proved us their concrete interest toward this home, so the quickest, i.e. the ones who were more rapid to present a purchasing offer, are today able to enjoy of this amazing country estate.

To conclude

I will surely remember this amazing professional experience, thanks to which I had the pleasure to meet some really nice and “special” people, as well as to discover a so “nice and special” home.

This amazing farmhouse allowed us to meet, know each other and work together to make the buyer’s Tuscan dream and the vendor’s lifestyle-changing one become true. Indeed, “Il Piccolo Cuore” seller is actually the new owner of a historic property in Umbria, but this is another story..

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