We had a little chat with Roberto Biggera, the GE consultant who, during the “Casale Ameria” farmhouse sale of April 2019, perfectly managed the buyers.
Hi Roberto. Would you like to tell us something about “Casale Ameria” new owners?
Clients come from Israel, where they are currently living. This couple is friend of other clients of mine who, through the cooperation of our group, purchased a beautiful farmhouse in Tuscany some time ago. After having had some conversations with them, they entrusted themselves to their friends’ feedbacks and decided to give us a My Agent assignment (click here to discover more about it) in order to find their dream home between Tuscany and Umbria.
Which kind of property were they looking for?
It should have been a traditional farmhouse with a beautiful garden and panorama. At the beginning, they would like to have three bedrooms in their home only, but then they looked at solutions with 4/5 of them so to be able to welcome all their big family. They did not have a precise geographical area for their research: indeed, they love both Tuscany and Umbria. The only fundamental condition was that the farmhouse should have not been too isolated or distant from towns and the main communication routes (especially the A1 motorway). Finally. We visited several properties: more than 30, but their final choice was “Casale Ameria”.
Why did they decide so?
Let’s say that three were the features which amazed my clients the most (click here to discover the property).
The incredible panorama on the historic centre of Amelia;

The extraordinary brightness of the rooms, in particular of the living area;

The amazing farmhouse architecture, very particular and well maintained.

Would you like to tell us something about the negotiation? Suzanne Van Ravenstein managed the vendors. Have you had any particular technical-bureaucratic problem?
No, the negotiation was quite rapid and easy. The only thing which emerged was the need of setting the land up again, but it has been perfectly solved with the cooperation of our Umbria Domus partners/friends. Very cleverly, the owners had already regulated the entire urbanistic-cadastral situation in order to sell the property in the shortest times possible.. and so it was!
It took just two months from the signing of the purchase offer to the one of the final deed of sale. An almost “record” time for a negotiation like this.
To conclude, in the light of this important sale, are you satisfied with the result achieved?
Absolutely! I believe that the fact of managing some clients who had gave you a My Agent assignment makes you feel more responsible.
Moreover, “behind” the final purchasing, there is often a huge, hard and never-stopping work of months. Surely, this makes a great relationship and/or even a true friendship with a client start.
Talking about the end of the research, when you are finally able to find the right property for your client and make him/her purchasing it by closing a really no-problematic negotiation, I would like to affirm that a professional satisfaction like this is very strong!
Roberto Biggera
This property has been successfully sold.
To find out the final sale value or search for other similar properties, please contact us, we will be happy to help.
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