Chiara Pompili: all the secrets to closing a sale in three months

Magazine Great Estate

Chiara Pompili is going to tell us how it was possible for her to close a negotiation in just three months: the sale of “The Gem Of Sarteano”.

I met the vendors for the first time in 2018 when I directly contacted them. Indeed, while doing specific research for some Italian-US clients, I noticed the advertising of this property on the web.

I thought that it could have perfectly match the needs of my clients. Indeed, this home presented many and interesting characteristics.

First of all, its location: I really believe that this its highest strength. From here, Sarteano and all its services can be reached within walking distance. Moreover, it also offers an exclusive view of the castle of the town.

Further important elements to be considered are the property perfect state of maintenance and renovation, the presence of three bedrooms – a fundamental requisite for an international clientele – and a small SPA which, together with the external swimming pool, makes this property ideal to be lived all year long (click here to discover it).

Precisely for this reason, I searched for the vendors’ telephone number in order to set a meeting up. It was very pleasant and direct. However, once we had to sign an official assignment for sale, I remember that they changed their minds. A year later, they confessed to me that – at that period – they were not sure if selling or not, so they had to maturate this awareness.

The property was already on the market with other agencies (a national and an international one), but with no success. So, during summer 2019, they decided to sign an exclusive assignment for sale with us. They followed every suggestion we gave them. We wanted to sell it within three months… and so it was!

I want to thank the vendors who welcomed us in their home and, with a huge trust, signed an exclusive assignment for sale with GE. And here I would also like to open a small parenthesis.

The vendors’ signing of an exclusive assignment for sale was not just an honour, but also a duty for the whole Group: we compromised ourselves to give them the highest results possible.

The reaching of the sale in just three months was possible because of the sellers’ approach: from the very first moment, they have always listened, understood and accepted the Great Estate Method (Estimate, Exposure, Examination, and Sale – read here our article).

The moment of the estimate discussion was fundamental: in response to our detailed report combined to some precise suggestions about the ideal property price and by completely entrust themselves to us, Ponchia accepted our analysis.

I will never stop thanking them. Their positive approach brought us to a great result: a very quick sale, precisely what they requested us to do.

Often, we think that selling in a very short time is just a matter of “luck”, but it is nothing compared to the specific and detailed work we do every time we accept an assignment for sale.

Indeed, “behind the scenes”, our work is very consolidated, even if we are aware of the fact that this is not the normality. Honestly, we are very happy and satisfied with the creation of our methodology that, if daily followed and improved, can bring to positive results only).

Finally, in addition to the technical ones, I personally consider the human aspect a fundamental ingredient too: supporting our clients during the sale and purchase of a property is a path and… there is no better happy ending that closing it with a toast…best at Christmas!

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