Choose Great Estate, buy “Torre Del Colle” and … make a dream come true!

Choose Great Estate, buy “Torre Del Colle” and … make a dream come true!

Sold Jul 16, 2021 No Comments
In the sale of “Torre Del Colle” our consultant, Mr. Valter Luciani, managed the buyer who, although initially working with other agencies, then chose Great Estate. With Great Estate ha was finally able to crown his dream: purchasing his ideal property.


The new owner of “Torre Del Colle” is Mr. Andrea: Italian, from Veneto to be exact, he works abroad and has always had a great desire to return to Italy!
He contacted us about a year ago, shortly after the end of the national lock-down, through the LuxuryEstate portal: he was interested in a property managed by me located near Orvieto.

Initially, he wanted to buy a farmhouse in central Italy, specifically between Umbria and Tuscany. His search, which started in Orvieto, subsequently extended to the Umbrian-Tuscan and Umbrian-Lazio borders.

Mr. Andrea was also in contact with other agencies, with whom he had fixed some visits.
Here I would like to underline a very important aspect!

Even before “Torre Del Colle”
Mr. Andrea chose Great Estate!

Immediately understanding the qualities that differentiate us from our competitors, such as innovation, seriousness, availability, and great potential, among the various agencies with which he worked, the client chose Great Estate as the structure to rely on to find his ideal property!

Then, among the various proposals he looked at, he chose the one of his dreams, “Torre del Colle”, near Bevagna.

Great credit is due to the work done by Carla Caselli, the seller’s consultant, and the technician Giacomo Bonaccorsi: together, they ensured that the client immediately perceived “Torre Del Colle” as his favourite property, one that met all the requirements of his future project: to purchase an important property with a beautiful farmhouse to be used as a personal residence, a nearby dependance – ideal for guests and friends – and other areas to be used for a possible accommodation facility. All this surrounded by a large “productive” land with vineyards and olive groves with great potential.

I would also like to specify that the client’s project initially envisaged a less demanding purchase, including the real estate and about one hectare of land.

However, in the course of time, that project changed and the client decided to purchase the property in its entirety: the charming farmhouse restored by the architect Sartogo, the annex to be restored, and about 15 hectares of land. A global change to give the property a new versatility, thanks to interesting future developments, such as the creation of a touristic facility and/or a farm.


For the reasons already explained by my colleague Carla Caselli, the seller’s consultant, it was with her that my client carried out the first visit at “Torre Del Colle”.

Carla gave an excellent presentation of the property: its potential, its excellent value for money, and its fantastic location, nestled in that magnificent part of Umbria known for the renowned “Rosso” and “Sagrantino” vineyards of Montefalco. In doing so, Carla was able to make the client “taste” the scent and flavor of the surrounding vineyards and wineries.

Once he understood the value of the property, the negotiation immediately took off: although the property still needed some completion work, the client, supported by our technician Giacomo Bonaccorsi, felt confident and ready to embark on the purchase process.

Initially, the negotiation involved two steps: first the purchase of the farmhouse with part of the land and then, later, the purchase of the remaining land.

However, after careful consideration, the client decided to purchase the property in its entirety on attractive terms: a complete, quick, and secure purchase.

As for the sale price, I can say that it did not differ much from the one requested by the owners, since, as Carla already mentioned, the latter had already been adjusted to the real value of the property obtained through our tool The Best Price.

I will never tire of saying that we at Great Estate have an exceptional valuation tool, which many agencies envy us and which allows us to achieve great results and sales.

Of course, there was a margin for negotiation, but through study, reasoned and well-addressed work, we managed to find the best agreement between the parties.

At this juncture, the support of G.E.’s CEO Stefano Petri was fundamental. Together with Carla, he managed to find the right arguments to explain to the selling party the offer proposed by the buyer: an appropriate and respectful offer.

However, in the time between the signing of the preliminary contract and the signing of the deed, we encountered some difficult and complex technical situations regarding the property. Therefore, as we had to review the various files, including the mortgage, the whole procedure had to be changed.

These issues not only lengthened the time of the sale but also risked blowing it up.

It is for this reason that we constantly urge sellers to pay close attention to the properties they wish to sell and to follow our acquisition method, the Great Estate Method (click here to read more), which, among other things, requires the preparation of a careful and thorough prior due diligence of the property.

This important document enables us to start the sales process on the right foot, allowing us, as a group, to have all the tools we need to make the sale a reality.

In the end, thanks to hard work, as well as the patience, professionalism, and ability of everyone to find the best solutions, everything was happily resolved.

And so it was that on 9 April last we finally reached the signing of the deed, sealed with a warm final toast. An important success achieved by all the Great Estate staff.


I am definitely satisfied with the sale of “Torre Del Colle”!

The parties followed our advice and our work in a concrete and confident manner, and showed themselves to be attentive and serious throughout the negotiations.

In addition, I was able to establish a very good professional and personal relationship with the purchasing client, characterised by deep honesty and friendship.

And I am even happier and more satisfied when I think that both the buyer and the sellers HAVE CHOSEN GREAT SUMMER!

In particular, Mr. Andrea, who at the beginning of his search worked with various agencies, decided to rely exclusively on our group for the search of his ideal property;
the sellers, who had also entrusted the task of selling to other agencies, despite having received some offers from clients of the latter, decided to accept the one presented by our buyer.

This does us credit and confirms that Great Estate is truly a powerful reality of Italian Real Estate.

Thanks to Great Estate,
our buyer was able to make his dream come true:
to buy the fantastic “Torre Del Colle” … a dream come true.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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