Do you want to find your ideal property quickly? So, choose now the GE Property Finder

Magazine Great Estate

An organized and easy path that brings you to the purchase of your dream property safely, in a very short time and in a very specialized way: this is the GE Property Finder. Read now how, thanks to this contract and the decisive support of our consultant Nicolò Cordone, a Dutch couple was able to purchase an extraordinary property in Umbria: “Tenuta Santa Cristina”.

On July, 20th 2020, Nicolò Cordone closed the negotiation of “Tenuta Santa Cristina”, a property located in Umbria and purchased by Hester and Pim after just 5 months and 29 days since the official signing of their Property Finder agreement.

Welcome, Nicolò. As our readers could read in our last articles, you were able to reach a very great goal: would you like to tell us something about it?

I am very proud of the result achieved! In just six months we were able to make our Dutch clients living in Singapore purchase one of the most beautiful properties in Umbria: “Tenuta Santa Cristina”. I think that, if there was not the lockdown, we could have reached the same goal in a very shorter time, let us say in 3-4 months.

This exceptional result is just the natural consequence of a mutual trust relationship my clients and I were able to create among us.

Indeed, many buyers believe that looking for a property by themselves or by entrusting themselves to different professionals is the best solution. However, with the time they usually realize that – to date – it is very hard to find the right property in so huge market offer, as well as making themselves understand to all the agencies they are addressing to.

Dividing and, as a consequence, dispersing the information among different professionals brings to unpleasant confusion, as well as to the risk of wrong investments.

On the contrary, who is willing to adopt innovative methods by entrusting him/herself to a unique professional and organization will allow both to invest their time and organization into the providing of the best consultancy possible.

This mutual trust is the only element that will allow to reach the results we are telling you.

Surely, we as Great Estate are very favourite: indeed, our network can count on about 70 professionals, many of who – 35 – are currently working in Umbria. So, the buyer who is looking for a home in this charming Italian region can rely on a true professionals’ army able to propose him/her the 10% of the market offer and, often, being able to show also properties that are currently not into the market already.

Through the Property Finder (click here to discover more about it), a first and important selection is made. Some of the properties considered “the best” are selected. On these ones, a detailed evaluative, fiscal, urbanistic, cadastral, and mortgage analysis is made.  As a consequence, the buyer will choose the best property on the market at that moment, the one able to satisfy all his/her exigencies.

Statistically speaking, about 90% of the cases when a national or international client shares with us a Property Finder agreement, we are able to reach the objective “sale” within 6 months. The most important aspect is that we do so with everyone’s smiles and the great satisfaction of our clients. I want to conclude by telling you that the element that makes me even more proud is the awareness of giving – right through the Property Finder – a huge serenity and happiness in our clients that, by entrusting themselves to us, can face a purchase safely and wherever they are.

Beautiful words Nicolò – it is clear how proud you are to have reached this result. But let us ask you something: is it true that your clients decided to make an offer without having seen the property in person?

Indeed! Hester and Pim contacted the ex-owners of “Tenuta Santa Cristina” via Facebook. They called me immediately in order to inform me about it, consequently I arranged a meeting with the ex-owners to visit the property for the first time.

During the visit, I asked them to make some videos to be sent to Hester and Pim. The videos were many: I did one at the property driveway, others at the main house, guesthouse and at the swimming pool. I am sure that Hester and Pim had watched them carefully.

In the meantime, I think that my proof and opinion on the property were fundamental too. Indeed, I was sure that “Tenuta Santa Cristina” had all the features my clients were looking for: I did not find those flaws the other properties had. I pondered it a lot, but I convinced myself this property could be a really good investment for them (click here and discover the home). So, after having watched my photos and videos, as well as after having had a chat with me, Pim and Hester decided to present an offer for “Tenuta Santa Cristina”.

Amazing! Did you find any problem during the whole negotiation process?

I wish it had been so! I told you I am proud of my result, but even more, because I reached it despite the so many difficulties I had to face. I can tell you some: urbanistic issues, misunderstandings concerning what to sell and what not, problems connected to how to sell and purchase (both buildings and company share), on the registration of international clients as a professional farmer in order to maintain the fiscal benefits, on the due diligence estimates, on the delays of the different authorities in releasing us some papers. I could go on, but I would surely bore you.

The aspect to consider during the sale of a property are many, especially for a property like this one. The whole process is very complex, while every single detail may become a problem. However, my experience – together with the one of the whole team with which I am honoured to work with – allowed us to transform every problem into the best solution possible. We always took the most convenient and the safest decision possible.

Mr. Vincenzo Albanese – a commercialist – dealt with the whole fiscal part and due diligence; Mr. Alessandro Giulianelli – a surveyor –, Mrs. Paola Del Secco and Mrs. Silvia Leandri – architects – created the technical-urbanistic due dilligence; Mr. Antonio Zorzi – the notary – arranged all the papers and supervised the whole process.

Finally, the GE CEO Stefano Petri who, with all his experience and contacts, provided us the right suggestion to find the right solution to everything.

So, a group of professionals who worked with the awareness of the trust that the clients gave us, a trust we had to give them back by providing them with the best consultancy possible done by the best experts of the filed. This is what we did and that brought us to reach this incredible result.

It would have been sufficient that just one of these professionals would have made a mistake, a single step of the process, and the whole success would have become a total defeat. We were as rapid as careful. I love to think that, when our clients entrust themselves to us and recognize our professionalism is as if they are entering into a structured and cutting-edge spaceship through which starts a calm and relaxing trip: the spaceship and its pilot are able to face every situation. And, in the end, passengers (our buyers) – almost unconsciously of the travel – reach the destination in a charming place: their new property in Italy. I believe that this metaphor represents the path we did on this occasion too.

Nicolò, from your tale we understand that every result like this one depends on the realization of a great work, and the decisive intervention of great professionals: this do you credit.

I definitely agree with you. I joined Great Estate after some years of experience in a structure that I used to consider a GE competitor or, to be more specific, as its owner used to. In Great Estate I realized to have joined a new world made of respect, positivity, honesty, and will of improving. All qualities owned by every professional that has the luck to work in this charming group, and that are that given to every client who entrust him/herself to us. So, as in every game where you can both win or lose, but always together. I have to admit that, in Great Estate, we are used to win. And not just for the results we achieve, but for the method we use to: fundamental is the path that, as already said, we always face with a smile.

Do you want to discover the impressions and the point of view of the clients who purchased “Tenuta Santa Cristina”? So, don’t miss their video-interview, soon online on the GE Magazine.

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