GE consultant Valter Luciani talks about the sale of “L’Eco Della Valle”

Magazine Great Estate

The sale of “L’Eco Della Valle” according to Valter Luciani, the consultant who, together with the group’s CEO Stefano Petri, managed the selling party very well.


A few days ago, we told you about the sale of “L’Eco Della Valle” from the point of view of our CEO, Stefano Petri. Today it is Valter Luciani’s turn, the consultant who, together with Stefano, helped the selling party.

Welcome Valter. Would you like to tell us about the seller of “L’Eco Della Valle”?

This is Mr. Fabiano, a friend of our owner Stefano Petri.
He became the owner of the villa through a series of inheritance bequests. Over the years the property had been used to spend the holidays, but lately, for personal reasons, this was no longer possible.
It was Stefano who, considering my knowledge of the area surrounding Fabro, introduced me to the seller and, with immense pleasure and gratitude on my part, decided to share the management of the property with me.

Valter, how would you describe the property?

The villa has its own charm:
the living area, which boasts a beautiful restoration; the second floor, which has kept its original characteristics unchanged over time, and an attic with great potential, with its authentic terracotta floors.

Furthermore, “L’Eco Della Valle” boasts an undoubtedly very panoramic location – it is located right on the top of a hill – and is surrounded by vast land, with terraced olive trees and woods…a terrain that is perhaps too demanding…!
In this regard, to make the property more accessible to potential buyers, Stefano and I thought it would be appropriate to proceed with a splitting of the land when it enters the market (here you can find Stefano Petri’s in-depth analysis).

Was L’Eco Della Valle” already on the market?

Before Great Estate, the seller had relied on other agencies, which had worked on the property but with poor results, basically due to an asking price not in line with the market and to a lack of knowledge of the area. The evaluation was therefore essential! Thanks to our powerful evaluation tool, T.B.P., we obtained the correct estimate of the property, the one that then led us to the sale. In fact, a client “arrived” immediately…or rather two, both very interested and who fought for ownership to the last.

Regarding the negotiation, would you like to briefly tell us the highlights?

The negotiation took place with the purchasing clients, well managed by the managers of the Orvieto office, Barbara Medici e Marco Venanzi.

Once the property was placed on the market with the correct price, as always, we asked the seller for all the technical documentation: in particular, the preventive due diligence that allows us to discover in advance any technical problems of the property and, consequently, to address and resolve them. If correctly followed, the high performance acquisition procedure followed in GE ensures that technicians and professionals can intervene in time to provide everything necessary to undertake a straight forward negotiation first, and then reach the notarial deed: just like in this case! In fact, the Geom. Maurizio Squarcia, technician of the selling party who followed the paperwork, was able to quickly provide us with all the necessary documentation.

So, great satisfaction with the result obtained by our team! I thank Stefano, our CEO, Barbara Medici e Marco Venanzi. It was a pleasure to collaborate with them, for the team spirit and the trust shown, as well as for the excellent team work done.

Just like an echo, our commitment and our work have spread with strength and tenacity against every obstacle and difficulty…step by step, towards the goal:
the sale of “L’Eco Della Valle.”

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