Winning strategies for an excellent result: the sale of “L’Eco Della Valle”

Magazine Great Estate

On December 20th 2021, the deed of sale of the fascinating property “L’Eco Della Valle” was signed: an excellent outcome resulting from the implementation of three powerful strategies.
The point of view of Stefano Petri, CEO of Great Estate, and in this case, consultant of the selling party together with Valter Luciani

“L’Eco Della Valle” is a historic villa dating back to 1800. Located at the top of a hill, it enjoys a very desirable position, offering views as far as the eye can see of the Chiani river valley below, and the hills of Umbria and Tuscany (discover the property here).

In late December, the Great Estate Group celebrated the sale of this charming property to an international couple from Belgium.

A decidedly interesting outcome, as a direct result of three fundamental sales strategies, put into practice by the GE consultants who managed the selling part very well: Valter Luciani and Stefano Petri – CEO of the group.

Stefano informed us:

Fabiano, the former owner of “L’Eco Della Valle”, got to know us thanks to other clients who spoke well of our group. His property was coming from about 3 years of a bad position on the market: the asking price was absolutely out of place. Moreover, the villa was for sale together with the rest of the property, which included another farmhouse, where the janitor has always lived with his family, as well as many acres of land. The out of market price and the incorrect positioning of the property on the market (villa + dependance + land) in fact made everything unsellable. Through our evaluation tool The Best Price., we have drawn up an objective and correct evaluation of “L’Eco Della Valle”: an element that, as always, turned out to be fundamental in achieving the best possible result. Equally essential was the choice to offer the property for sale in a different way: not only in terms of the asking price, but also in terms of its presentation and the way it was sold.

Personally, I made it clear to Fabiano that, in order to sell “L’Eco Della Valle”, the best strategies to adopt were:

1) Propose the property on the market in a new “look”, through its prior subdivision into 3 lots: janitor house – villa – land.

2) Adjust its asking price to actual market value.

3) Present “L’Eco Della Valle” with high level photo and video services.

By implementing all three strategies, we were able, in less than 12 months, to sell the dependance to the janitor and the main villa to our international clients, managed by Barbara Medici of the Orvieto office. In addition, we also obtained from them an option to purchase the land. Therefore, we have substantially transformed a long and unproductive period of stalemate, which had been going on for about 3 years now, into the achievement of a great goal!


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