Giacomo Buonavita: the sale of “Podere Casetta” confirms the efficiency of the GE method

Magazine Great Estate

Some days ago, we told you about the sale of “Podere Casetta”. Today, we are going to propose you our interview with Giacomo Buonavita, the GE consultant of the vendors.

Welcome, Giacomo. Would you like to tell us something about “Podere Casetta” and its ex-owners?

The ex-owner of “Podere Casetta” was an old “contact” of our agency that I have personally managed. With a great pleasure, I met her for the first time about 5 years ago at our office in San Casciano Dei Bagni. She is an Italian woman who had the luck to own this splendid property for 14 years. “Podere Casetta” presents different and interesting qualities:

first of all, it has a great location, very private but easy to access. Moreover, the main farmhouse, as well as its external buildings, owns a very high qualitative level. Finally, its style and layout – chosen by the vendor – were the final touch: thanks to those, Mrs. Busacca could recreate a perfect traditional farmhouse (click here to discover the property).

In this regard, I want to underline the huge commitment with which Mrs. Cristiana could maintain the house in ideal conditions, especially during these last periods. I also believe that this could be considered “a strength” of a property too: I am sure that a perfect maintenance contributes to reach the objective sale.

Which kind of cooperation did you create with the vendor of “Podere Casetta”?

Given that another agency was managing the sale of this property too, Mrs. Cristiana decided to sign an international marketing plan and a free assignment for sale with us. In this regard, I am sure that the quality of the property presentation and the advertising used by Great Estate are fundamental factors to reach the sale. One of the elements composing the GE method is the VISIBILITY!

Let’s talk now about the estimate of The Best Price: which are your comments about it?

During the years of my managing of “Podere Casetta”, its value – suggested by The Best Price – has been constantly monitored, updated, and shared with the vendor.

This created the basis that made her understand the need for adequate the asking price of the property to its objective value to reach the sale. About this, I would also like to specify that the final adjustment of the asking price (dating back to February 2020) allowed to close the negotiation quickly. So, the sale was ended in just 6 months, despite the difficulties connected to Covid-19. And here again, the importance of the GE Method: in particular, in this case we are referring to the ESTIMATE. With the aim of quickly and profitably selling a property, it is fundamental that its asking price is in line with its market value. In the light of these considerations, you will easily understand that The Best Price has confirmed – once again – its power, efficiency, precision. Indeed, the gap between the last estimate value highlighted and the final price was just 1.4%.

Could you tell us something about the negotiation?

All the important factors that I told you before brought to the negotiation occurred with the clients of our Caterina Caloni. Indeed, Mrs. Cristiana accepted the first purchase offer they presented: an offer that was in line with the current market expectations. As already said, this allowed us to reach the goal sale after just six months since the last price adjustment.

Did you find any particular problem during the negotiation?

I do not say so. All the technical-bureaucratic papers of the property were already in order before the arrival of the purchase offer.

Are you satisfied with the result achieved? Why?

I am very satisfied for different reasons. First of all, this sale contributes to a life-change for the vendors: I am very glad to have been a part of its realization. Moreover, I am honored to have contributed to one of the first GE sales of our colleague Caterina, the buyers’ consultant. Finally, I am also satisfied to have helped in the realization of the new-owners experience: owning a charming farmhouse in the countryside.

I wish them all the best for “Podere Casetta”!

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