Spring in bloom for Great Estate: “Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie” sold out

Spring in bloom for Great Estate: “Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie” sold out

Sold Jun 15, 2021 No Comments
Great Estate’s spring sales continue! Today we tell you about “Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie”: a property located in the countryside of Orvieto and bought by Italian clients. Our Valter Luciani managed the sales and, in this article, he is going to tell all his satisfaction for having contributed to realize the dream of our clients.

There are many successes achieved by our group in spring 2021. Among them, today I want to tell you about the sale of “Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie“.

We are located in the Orvieto countryside, near the village of Baschi.

“Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie” embodies the typical and traditional Umbrian farmhouse, surrounded by a beautiful olive grove and situated on the top of a hill: from here, the view is simply … incomparable!

For two Italian families, this property represents the realisation of a dream: to buy a farmhouse in the countryside, a quiet retreat where they can enjoy moments of peace and relaxation, escaping the hustle and bustle of the city.

A dream that Great Estate, and in particular, our consultants Ilaria Peparaio, who managed the selling side, and Valter Luciani, who took care of the buying side, turned into reality!

Here for you is Valter’s point of view of his recent success.

The clients who bought “Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie” contacted us at the beginning of 2020 through the portal immobiliare.it: they wanted more information about a farmhouse that we had for sale near Orvieto.
They came from Rome: they are two families who run a restaurant between Piazza San Pietro and Castel Sant’Angelo. 

They were looking for a house with various volumes near Orvieto, not far from the motorway and therefore easily and quickly accessible from Rome.

Together, we looked at a couple of properties, including ‘Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie’. The first one was too small for the project the clients had in mind: as two families, they wanted a large house with two-holiday homes and other space that could be used to create a tourist accommodation business.

Unlike the first property, “Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie” turned out to be in line with what they were looking for, and potentially suitable for their needs.

The fact that there was (and is) work to be done did not frighten them at all, as they managed to find a property located close to the motorway, and therefore easily accessible, with a large farmhouse and various volumes to be used.

It was the potential of this property that most impressed them: lots of space to be developed in a beautiful country setting with a swimming pool and tennis court, all surrounded by a magnificent olive grove.

The project that the clients intend to carry out will proceed step by step: for now, they will use the property as a place to take refuge and relax for a few days, escaping the hustle and bustle of the city. In the meantime, they will organise the renovation and adaptation of the farmhouse to their needs.

In fact, over time they intend to use it not only as a holiday home but also as an accommodation business, putting “Il Podere Umbro Delle Magnolie” on the tourist rental circuit.
It will take some time, but in the end, they will certainly succeed in creating a beautiful structure.

During the negotiation process we encountered some difficulties due to the lack of certain documents.

Unfortunately, vendor clients often delay in providing us with the complete property documentation that is essential for negotiations, sometimes preferring to wait until the “last minute” to send us all or some of the documents. Without understanding the importance of a technical due diligence, which we as a group request punctually at the moment of the formalisation of the mandate, they risk in the worst-case scenario to break off negotiations and, at the very least, sour relations with the buyer or, as in this case, to cause a lengthening of the time necessary to complete the sale.

However, in spite of these technical difficulties, thanks to the efforts of everyone, including our collaborator Bonaccorsi and our CEO Stefano Petri, we eventually managed to fix the technical/urban situation of the property.

So, with our help, the parties agreed to meet, find the right harmony and serenity to proceed to the signing of the deed of sale in the best possible way.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am very satisfied with this sale!
Thanks to my work and that of the entire Great Estate, the buyers were able to appreciate our area and our properties and, above all, to realise their dream.

A dream that has become reality through a well-defined project that, although initially only sketched out, has become concrete and strengthened especially during the period of closures caused by the pandemic, a period during which customers have rediscovered the beauty of our beloved Italy.

In fact, after spending a holiday near Cortona, a choice they ‘had to make’ because travel restrictions prevented them from spending their holidays abroad, as they were used to doing, they realised they were living in a fantastic country.

This situation allowed him to rediscover and appreciate our beautiful country, and in particular central Italy, with its green and relaxing hills.

And so it was that they “arrived” at Great Estate and with Great Estate they searched for and found their ideal property: “Il Podere delle Magnolie”.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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