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The sale of “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”: The Best Price and the Silver Marketing Plan were fundamental

On 11th March 2020, thanks to the support of the consultants Gregorio Badessi and Stefano Calafà from the GE partner agency “Via Dei Colli Immobiliare”, “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi” has been purchased by an international couple. We collected their impressions

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March 2020: Via Dei Colli sells “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”

Today we are going to tell you about a recent sale made by one of the most important Great Estate Network partners, “Via Dei Colli Immobiliare”: the sale of “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”. Located near Umbertide and immersed in an

Great Estate signed another incredible sale in Naples: “Podere Del Poggio”

Do you remember the amazing Umbrian farmhouse called “Podere Del Poggio”? On January, 9th2019 and thanks to the cooperation between the GE consultants Ilaria Peparaio and Stefano Calafà, the CEO of “Via Dei Colli”, a Great Estate partner agency, it

A gold October for Great Estate: the sale of “Villa La Luna” in Orvieto

Do you remember the fascinating town of Orvieto? We told you about it a few weeks ago. In the countryside around this hamlet, we find the beautiful villa sold at the end of October by Great Estate Group, “Villa La

The autumn sales of Great Estate: Stefano Calafà tells about Podere Colonna

Last September, the collaboration between Great Estate and the partner agency Via Dei Colli Immobiliare pulled off another important sale: Podere Colonna, a beautiful property in Umbria. Advertised by Great Estate through different national and international channels for 1.600.000 euros,

[Umbria Special Edition] The market of prestigious properties: the main characteristics of a winning house

After the first and introductory article, we propose you the second part of our analysis regarding the market of the  prestigious properties in Umbria: the point of view of Great Estate consultants Ilaria Peparaio and Stefano Calafà. Stefano, Ilaria, which

[Umbria Special Edition] The market of the prestigious properties: what the international buyers are looking for

The last sales signed by Great Estate show that Umbria – particularly the areas of Orvieto, Todi and Città Della Pieve – has become one of the most requested Italian destinations by the international buyers who want to purchase a

Emanuela Miani: Casale Torregentile, love at first sight

Emanuela Miani tells us about “Casale Torregentile” as its ex-owner. The property, thanks to the collaboration of Great Estate, has been sold to a Luxemburg couple last August. Torregentile (click here to discover it) was what had remained of a

Sale of “Poggio del Sole”: agents Calafà and Badessi

Stefano Calafà and Gregorio Badessi – Via dei Colli Immobiliare, Great Estate Partner – and their experience in assisting the buyers of the farmhouse “Poggio del Sole”. Welcome Stefano and Gregorio, and congratulations for this success, both professional and personal…please,