The sale of “Podere Reggello”: Fabrizio Bocci’s point of view

The sale of “Podere Reggello”: Fabrizio Bocci’s point of view

Great Estate Network May 31, 2019 No Comments
The stage goes now to Fabrizio Bocci, the Dream Tuscany CEO, as well as the vendor’s consultant. His impressions about the sale of “Podere Reggello”, signed in March 2019.

About 7 years ago, I had the pleasure to get to know the “Podere Reggello” ex-owner. At that time, she was looking for a property in the areas among Montepulciano, Pienza and Montefollonico.

Initially, the vendor did not give us an exclusive assignment for sale. The property was entered into the market at 1,8 million/euros. However, during the time, she decided to change her property price: 1.450.000 €.

I would like to underline that, in order to obtain a more precise idea of the real market value of the farmhouse, I used the The Best Price system: that estimate was perfectly in line with the last established property value.

During my cooperation with the seller, I had also suggested her to change the property assignment for sale into an exclusive one. She did it so in May 2018. As she said to me many times, this was because of the continuity I proved by always keeping her up to date regarding “Podere Reggello”. My working method made the vendor be always relaxed and calm.

Talking about negotiation development and closing, I have to honestly admit that the whole process was really difficult and long. There were also some communicational problems with the buyers’ specialists. Moreover, even if I already knew the purchasing modality procedure through a company, it was really complex!

Anyway, everything turned out for the best. Personally, I think that the precision and accuracy of the whole documentation had an important role. Indeed, it allowed the procedure to positively close.

I am really satisfied with this negotiation and, as Filippo Cori said, I am very glad to have had the possibility to learn new topics by maintaining the vendor’s respect too. I am also sure that respect will be the element which allows us to close other important sales: in my opinion, this is the most important thing.

Fabrizio Bocci

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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