“Tramonto A Parrano”: a sale that confirms the vigorous organisation of Great Estate

“Tramonto A Parrano”: a sale that confirms the vigorous organisation of Great Estate

Great Estate Network , Sold May 21, 2021 1 Comment
Among the sales made official by Great Estate in March, we cannot leave out “Tramonto a Parrano”: another extraordinary confirmation of our group’s vigorous organisation.

The sale of “Tramonto A Parrano” is a Great Estate success that bears the signature of Valter Luciani and Nadia Aron, a pairing that had already shown fellowship in 2019 by selling “L’Oasi Del Poggitello“, a property also located near the small village of Parrano.

Now, as then, Valter handled the selling side of the sale on 22 March, while Nadia, Great Estate’s German buyer market manager and owner of Italia Immobilien, handled the buyers.

In addition to the skill and professionalism of our two consultants, this sale once again demonstrates the strength and great organisation of our group.

This is based on our in-house software The Best Price and its outstanding performance.

As you can see from the table below, on the one hand, the estimate of the property carried out by our valuation department through TBP resulted in a value of 630,000 euros; on the other hand, the final sale price was 650,000 euros.
This results in a differential between the two values of 3.1%.


As in other cases, in order to achieve the sale of this property, it was crucial to adjust the asking price to its real market value – as released by TBP -.

This applies in particular to the second and last adjustment, which will take place on 14 September 2020.

Less than two months have passed since then and … “Tramonto A Parrano” has found its ideal client: in fact, the purchase offer presented by the German couple who are the new owners was accepted by the selling party on 11 November (DISCOVER THE PROPERTY HERE).

In turn, our tool The Best Redemption was instrumental in achieving this decisive adjustment:

By analysing the statistics of the property, and therefore its performance in the buyer’s market, it was possible to see the rooms for improvement, in particular the need to adjust the asking price, and thus be able to identify the right buyer client and achieve the best possible result!

Another decisive aspect for the sale of “Tramonto A Parrano” is to be “attributed” to the selling customers (and obviously to Valter’s professionalism):

the fact of having entrusted our group with an exclusive assignment and a marketing plan has allowed the property to obtain the wide and structured international visibility necessary to identify the “right” buyer.

Last but not least … back to the starting point: the great professionalism and competence of the consultants involved in this sale.

Valter Luciani, who, after a careful search of the area, identified and acquired the exclusive “Tramonto A Parrano”, and then excellently managed the selling party, and Nadia Aron who, as always, was able to understand the needs of the buyers, guiding them towards the purchase of their ideal property.

Therefore, Great Estate proves to be a structured, state-of-the-art organisation, both in the number, skill, and competence of our agents and, more generally, of all our professionals, as well as the IT tools and the wide and effective range of services it offers its clients.

The sale of ‘Tramonto A Parrano” is another extraordinary confirmation of this!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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