Roberto Biggera and the sale of “Podere Acquaviva”: the importance of our Property Finder

Magazine Great Estate

As you could remember, on November 18th, a US couple has officially become the owner of “Podere Acquaviva”. Today, we are going to propose you the interview with the consultant who managed this couple through a GE Property Finder contract: Mr. Roberto Biggera.

Welcome, Roberto. Congratulations on the recent sale of “Podere Acquaviva”! What can you tell us about the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Dunleavy?

Thank you! Mr. and Mrs. Dunleavy is a US couple living in the US. She is Italo-American, while he is Irish. They contacted us in August 2019 through the real estate portal called Gate-Away.

Which property were they looking for and where?

They were looking for a farmhouse in Umbria and in Southern Tuscany. It should have been renovated, but it should also have some traditional features. Moreover, it should have had 3-4 rooms, a beautiful park/garden, and an annex. In October 2019, during our first property-tour, we visited about 8-9 properties. Then, in June, we visited 4 more houses through the Virtual Visits.

We know that the clients decided to share a Property Finder contract with you. Would you like to tell us how did you reach this contract?

Sure! The clients, after the first property-tour done together (period during which we visited some houses with other agencies too), recognized in me and my work, so in the whole Group, huge professionalism and attention to detail; I have always replied to every of their needs and requests rapidly. In this way, I convinced them to sign with me the exclusive and personalized consultancy assignment, our Property Finder. It proved itself to be fundamental to reach the objective purchase.

Why did your clients decide to purchase “Podere Acquaviva”?

Because it is a very unique property, full of history, personality and character (discover it here). Moreover, it boasts a charming park. Once you enter through the main gate, you can have the reason why my clients decided to purchase this home very clear. The features they enjoyed the most are surely the beauty and the park layout: even if on a hill, it is decisively flat, so perfect to be fully enjoyed.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è vendesi-rustico-casale-in-umbria-terni-baschi-15556087620815-1.jpg

Moreover, clients have appreciated the traditional features of the farmhouse and the guesthouse: their size and layout are a true gem.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è vendesi-rustico-casale-in-umbria-terni-baschi-15556088407488.jpg

How will they use their new property in the future?

My clients decided to permanently move to Italy. For this reason, “Podere Acquaviva” will be their main residence.

Can you tell us something about the negotiation?

The negotiation was quite complex. For this reason, we had to wait and find the right balance between the parties and all their needs. In the end, after several months, I was able to convince my clients to do a step ahead and meet the vendor’s exigencies. On the other hand, my colleagues of Umbria Domus did a great job too: they were able to make the vendor think about his expectations and accept the new price offered. This proved itself to be the most correct: the distance between this price and the one highlighted by our The Best Price was of just 4-point percentage. As often happens for the negotiation on the farmhouses, there have been some problems regarding the urbanistic-cadastral documents.

However, I was sure – thanks to my colleague, Mr. Giacomo Bonaccorsi, work – everything would have gone well despite the uncertainties connected to the Covid-19 emergency. Obviously, it was not easy to explain to my clients every step of the negotiation and the different situation to be re-considered: being foreigners, they did not know the purchase process in Italy and its laws. Despite this, thanks to a very precise consultancy service done through emails and long conferences with many different professionals, I was able to involve my clients and let them feel always protect and safe. I am sure that this was the base for the positive end of the negotiation.

Are you satisfied about the result obtained?

Since their first visit, my clients proved a huge interest in the property. However, the gap between their ideal budget and the vendor’s expectation was important. Sure! It represented the result of a huge work that brought us to a sale without any problem and with the great satisfaction of all. My clients were amazed and the fact that they gave me a Property Finder (click here to discover more about it) made me even more proud of what we reached. Moreover, I was happy about my cooperation with Umbria Domus. I could appreciate their professionalism and precision. I hope to replicate this experience very soon!

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