Nadia Aron and “Borgonuovo”: I’ll tell you about my “perfect sale”.

Nadia Aron and “Borgonuovo”: I’ll tell you about my “perfect sale”.

Sold Jun 29, 2021 No Comments
As you may remember, on 23rd April Great Estate celebrated what we have dubbed the “perfect sale”, the sale of “Borgonuovo”.
Nadia Aron, the person in charge of the GE German Market, tells us how her client, Mr. Erlemeier, bought his dream property in just 11 days.

– Welcome, Nadia. Would you like to tell us who the new owner of “Borgonuovo” is and how he got in touch with our group?

The client who bought the property known as “Borgonuovo” is Mr. Erlemeier, and he comes from Munich.

He contacted us with a request for more information about one of our properties, directly from the Great Estate website. So, as is our practice, I contacted him straight away!

– What kind of property were they looking for?

I can say with certainty that Mr. Erlemeier was looking for … EXACTLY the property he bought: “BORGONUOVO”! After a few phone calls, during which we were able to establish a mutual professional understanding, Mr. Erlemeier explained to me precisely what his specific search parameters were, i.e. what characteristics his ideal property should have:

I have to say that the latter matched almost perfectly with those possessed by the property that I felt I could warmly recommend to him and that he would buy a few days later: “Borgonuovo”.
I even remember that Mr. Erlemeier wrote to me:

“Nadia, you have found exactly the house we were looking for … thank you!”

– Have you seen many properties together?

Absolutely not! We were on lockdown and could only travel for work reasons. We only visited one property, “Borgonuovo”.

In the days leading up to the visit, I had already sent Mr. Erlemeier the purchase proposal that I had previously prepared with my colleague Suzanne, who handled the sellers.

I remember that he told me that on the day of the visit he would bring with him the purchase proposal already signed, and if the property turned out to be like our photoshoot, he would give it to me at the end of the visit! And … so it was!

– Why do you think Mr. Erlemeier fell in love with “Borgonuovo”? What features of this property impressed him most?

Definitely the property as a whole: very well maintained, bright, spacious, the result of a perfect mix of modern and traditional style and with an outdoor space that surrounds and completes the house, in a way I would say … impeccable!

– How will he use his new home in the future?

“Borgonuovo” will become a residence much lived in by Mr. Erlemeier and his wife Nadia.

– Can you tell us briefly how the negotiation took place?

The negotiation was very simple! The property was the right one, as was the seller’s asking price.

Mr. Erlemeier took a 36-hour leave to “fly” from Germany to Italy to view “Borgonuovo”.

He arrived on a Thursday, visited the farmhouse and … it was love at first sight!

In fact, as soon as the visit was over he decided to buy the property, handing over the purchase proposal, which he had already signed, for an amount identical not only to the asking price but also to the value of the property that Suzanne had obtained through our tool The Best Price!
The next day he left for Germany!

Considering that Mr. Erlemeier contacted us on 21st February through the Great Estate website, creating his reserved area after logging in and that he signed the purchase offer on 4th March (after only 11 days), I can say with some certainty that the negotiation was concluded very quickly!

– To conclude Nadia, are you satisfied with the sale of “Borgonuovo”, a sale which, for all the aspects already highlighted in our previous articles, we have indicated as the “perfect sale”?

No doubt about it!

Of course, the greatest satisfaction came when I realised that I had found the ideal property for Mr. Erlemeier.

In addition, being able to work during such a dramatic period, such as the beginning of the lock-down, gave me great strength, as well as the hope that, in any case, everything would turn out well.

Working for Mr. and Mrs. Erlemeier has been a very pleasant and positive experience: they have always maintained an open, helpful, and … problem-solving attitude.
And Mrs. Erlemeier’s name is exactly the same as mine: a coincidence that immediately led to a mutual and immediate liking between us.

I am sorry that they had problems in transferring the various utilities in their home: sometimes the lack of correct information and infernal call-centres leave a bitter taste in your mouth, especially for those who are not used to it.

Nevertheless, I am sure that Mr. and Mrs. Erlemeier have understood and overcome these situations!

Very shortly everything will become just a pleasant memory of a mishap that occurred during the final phase of the purchase of their dream property in Italy!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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