Roberto Biggera: professionalism and commitment at the service of the buyers

In September, “La Perla Cetonese” has been purchased by an Italian couple. They were supported by the GE consultants Giacomo Buonavita and Roberto Biggera: let’s discover Roberto’s point of view.


The first meeting with the clients occurred about two years ago. It was probably due to a friend of theirs who lives in the area. They are Italians. She was a state official and worked – and she is still committed –  in the social field. He works in the film sector as a photography director, cooperating so with many famous filmmakers.

When we met for the very first time, the clients did not have a clear idea of the area where they would have wanted to purchase. Indeed, in the beginning, they were looking both for a country estate and a house by the sea. Their favorite areas were Umbria and Tuscany.

However, thanks to the time passing and a constant receiving of interesting real estate proposals in our areas, I think that they had finally achieved the willingness of buying a specific kind of property in these areas.

In this case, clients did not sign any specific My Agent contract but, once having decided to purchase a farmhouse between Umbria and Tuscany, they entrusted themselves to me in an almost exclusive way.


I think that they chose “La Perla Cetonese” because it (click here to discover it) perfectly represented what they were looking for:

  • Its location, very close to an important historic center as Cetona that, in addition to its beauty, is located also near to the motorway and the train station of Chiusi, a strategic hub between Rome and Florence.
  • The fact that, even if not isolated, offers great privacy.
  • The panoramic view you can enjoy from the house: open and beautiful.
  • Finally – and above all – its rooms: thanks to the presence of man windows, very bright and airy. Probably, this was precisely what made the clients decide to purchase it.
Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è vendesi-villa-di-prestigio-in-toscana-siena-cetona-148251043141-1.jpg


The negotiation was almost rapid and linear. Clients did not need a loan or any other particular condition for the purchase so, once decided, they could act rapidly. The vendors, instead, had already set all the property papers up.

Indeed, their will was the one of reaching a fast and easy sale if in the presence of a concrete client. For this reason, they gave us all the property papers we could have needed (previous sale deed, updated urbanistic and cadastral papers and certifications) previously.

I will never get tired of claiming that this is a FUNDAMENTAL ASPECT to allow both the parties – the buyers and the vendors – to REACH THE BEST RESULT IN THE MINOR TIME POSSIBLE.

Indeed, the circumstance that we, as Agency, were already aware of the whole general situation of the property allowed us to perfectly set the negotiation up. For this reason, we were able to make the parties reach an agreement.


It has been a real pleasure to make available to Daniela and Roberto my professionalism and commitment with the aim of reach a so important objective: the purchasing of a home in Tuscany.

Both have always proved me to be some very reliable, friendly and open people: these qualities made our meetings and property visits very pleasant.


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