Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

Magazine Great Estate

Valter Luciani and the sale of “Antica Checchera”: Great Estate will become even stronger

Some days ago, Alice Ceccomoro told us about her impressions on the sale of “Antica Checchera”, a negotiation that took place during the Coronavirus emergency. Today, you are going to discover Valter Luciani’s point of view: the GE consultant who, in cooperation with the colleague Roberto Biggera, managed the vendors. Welcome, Valter. Congratulations on the […]

Valter Luciani and the sale of “Antica Checchera”: Great Estate will become even stronger Read More »

Magazine Great Estate

Alice Ceccomoro: I’m glad to have had the possibility of closing this negotiation with a smile!

Do you remember “Antica Cecchera”? Well, it is a pleasure for us to tell you that, last June, this farmhouse has been purchased by a US couple. This has been possible thanks to the perfect synergy between the GE consultants Valter Luciani, Roberto Biggera, and Alice Ceccomoro. In January, we presented to you a very

Alice Ceccomoro: I’m glad to have had the possibility of closing this negotiation with a smile! Read More »

Magazine Great Estate

Great Estate Network and Italia Immobilien: a winning cooperation

The reflections of Riccardo Luculli and Nadia Aron about the winning cooperation between Italia Immobilien and the Great Estate Network: the results achieved and the next projects. The meeting with Stefano Petri and his Network has been surely one of the most satisfying – both professionally and personally –  I have ever had. Fondness, confidence,

Great Estate Network and Italia Immobilien: a winning cooperation Read More »

Magazine Great Estate

March 2020: Via Dei Colli sells “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”

Today we are going to tell you about a recent sale made by one of the most important Great Estate Network partners, “Via Dei Colli Immobiliare”: the sale of “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi”. Located near Umbertide and immersed in an absolute private location, “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi” overlooks the amazing Tevere valley. It is an

March 2020: Via Dei Colli sells “Il Casale Dei Ciliegi” Read More »

Magazine Great Estate

Great Estate on-line: we are going to introduce you Engine Lab

Today, we would like to introduce to you the company that, for more than 3 years now, has been developing the on-line presence, web marketing, and social media marketing of the GE Network: Engine Lab. Let’s start with its founder and CEO, Mr. Roberto Pizzinelli. Welcome, Roberto. Would you like to tell us something about

Great Estate on-line: we are going to introduce you Engine Lab Read More »

Magazine Great Estate

In April, Great Estate signs the sale of an important wine estate in Tuscany

Last April, Great Estate signed the extraordinary sale of a property of more than a million euros: the one of the wine-producing farm named “I Mandorli”. The GE real estate consultant Roberto Biggera, the person who dealt with the buyers, is going to tell us about his impressions. Last April, the Group led by Stefano

In April, Great Estate signs the sale of an important wine estate in Tuscany Read More »

Magazine Great Estate

The persons in charge of the German real estate market of GE: Nadia Aron

Let’s get to know better the people in charge of the buyers’ real estate market of Great Estate: Nadia Aron and her agency “Italia Immobilien”. Today, we are going to meet Nadia Aron who is going to tell us her professional and personal story: from the moment she arrived in Italy to the realization of

The persons in charge of the German real estate market of GE: Nadia Aron Read More »

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