On September, 8th 2020, Great Estate signed the sale of an amazing farmhouse located near Monteleone D’Orvieto: “Il Casolare Del Parco”. We interviewed the GE consultant Valter Luciani who, with huge professionalism, managed the vendors.
“Il Casolare Del Parco” is a charming partially renovated farmhouse located near the Umbrian hamlet of Monteleone D’Orvieto. Rich of charm and traditional stone and cotto elements, this property is surrounded by a luxuriant park. Moreover, it also includes an olive grove with 250 productive plants and a small vineyard. This home, immersed into the hills, not too isolated but with a charming view all-around has been purchase, in September 2020, by a Danish couple managed by another agency.
We interviewed Valter Luciani, the GE consultant who dealt with the vendors.
Welcome, Valter. When and how did you meet the vendors?
The meeting with the vendors of “Il Casolare Del Parco” happened because of a trusted contact of them: he supported my clients in the managing of the land. I knew this person too, and this helped a lot in the creation of a working relationship with the vendors. Indeed, he knew about my cooperation with Great Estate, as well as about my job. This helped me to obtain the assignment for sale by the vendors.
So, a very efficient word of mouth by a friend and a great gardener who, with his skills and abilities, was able to transform the park of this property into an amazing place. Indeed, the name of this house comes from this: “Il Casolare Del Parco” (discover it here). I wanted to underline this aspect in order to let you understand the importance of property maintenance in a sale. In particular, the outdoor and gardens represent the first visual impact of a house: if it is the “right” one”, so it will be the direction. A well-cut garden, some very-well maintained plants, blooming flowers, and order are fundamental aspects during a visit.
This is precisely why I – as a property consultant – have always had a great idea of the property: indeed, once on the spot, I immediately realized its potentialities. Even if partially renovated, its features, size, and panorama were remarkable. For all these reasons, I worked in order to enter “Il Casolare Del Parco” into the Great Estate property portfolio. This happened in 2017.
Was the property on the market already?
Yes, it was on the market with other agencies. So, in the beginning, I had to get accustomed to this situation by sharing a free assignment for sale with the vendors. Despite this, in a very short time, Great Estate proved to be able to make the difference. Our property presentation, both for the precision and accuracy of the property tab, as well as for the photo shooting, was surely the most complete and structured. This, together with its promotion on the best national and international portals, has surely caught the attention of this Danish client who has then purchased it.
Valter, let’s talk now about the property estimate: what can you tell us about it?
Given that, as just said, it has been signed a free assignment for sale, for the initial price requested we had to adequate to the one of the other agencies. As you can see from the following tab, this value was very far from the one highlighted by our The Best Price. However, with time, our professionalism and persistence convinced the vendors to change the value of their property, so as to adequate the selling price to the one suggested by The Best Price. This was fundamental to close the deal.

So, you will understand how, during this negotiation, PRICE was essential. Indeed, my estimate done through The Best Price had immediately underlined that the asking price established by the other agencies was too high. For a real estate consultant, it is never easy to make the vendors understand how important price is for the sale. Indeed, often happens that the vendors think to have the possibility of “exaggerating” the figures. So, time passes… the visits done do not bring any result: so, a lot of time wasted and the objective “sale” failed. So, the choice of giving their property to our Group by having so the possibility of using our methodology and services – among which The Best Price – is a decisive step towards a rapid and profitable sale, like it was proved by the sale of “Il Casolare Del Parco”.
Valter, which are your conclusions about the sale of Il Casolare Del Parco”?
During this long negotiation, marked by the Covid-19 emergency, its consequent problems, and some doubts’ of the buyers brought by the situation we were all living, Great Estate was able to manage everything in the best way possible. I would like to thank all the four vendors of “Il Casolare Del Parco” and Francesca and Ellen, the two agents of the agency in Orvieto who managed the buyers. I shared my work with them, and this allowed all of us to reach this important objective, as well as to make both the parties to make their dream come true: bringing “Il Casolare Del Parco” to its original beauty.
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The interview with the vendors of “Il Casolare Del Parco”